Thursday, May 23, 2013

Rainy day fun and random pics from this week.

Rainy day fun today:) What a week it has been full of storms and rain. Such a devastating week for so many and it causes the rest of us undoubtedly to be more thankful for what we do have! We of course need rain so as always I try to enjoy it....but must admit B and I are aching for a day of pool weather again soon. I know there will be plenty of those this summer though!

Breyton, baby D, and I were reading a book about 'rabbits rainy day' and the rabbit made a paper sack mask, so B asked to make one. Here is his very quickly made mask lol....he was so excited to put it on and kept saying, " Daddy is really gonna like this scary mask."

Of course he had to try to eat his pb and j while wearing the mask still.

This photo was from the other day. Breyton has one of the biggest craziest imaginations. I wish I could even write down all the ideas he comes up with. Anyways, this day he decided to be a dog and wanted me to give him a box and make a dog bed....complete with requesting I get him a bowl of cheerios for 'dog food' and a bowl of water. Then he took it all out on the porch. I am really surprised DHS has not been called on us while living in these apartments(this being one of many seemingly suspicious occasions)....because we had a child caged on our porch with bowls of food for part of afternoon.

Lastly, here is B's awana club group from church. This was the last night at the awards ceremony.

B did not really want to cooperate that night because he mostly just wanted to sit with mommy....but he did go up on stage to receive his completion certificate. My little boy is getting big!

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