Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Two exciting milestones!;)

As of two days ago Lyla is officially walking! Yes, she's been taking steps for awhile... By 'officially' I mean she can now walk through the house and doesn't crawl at all hardly.

It's funny actually because she pretty much refuses to crawl now when 4 days ago she barely walked. She's so proud of herself! She just walks around with a big grin on her face! She loves to carry objects around, so anytime you see her walking she has to have something in her hand pretty much. I'm always surprised how quickly they learn things - she's mastered walking to the side, backwards, and around corners now with ease. 

Also, another huge milestone was reached night before last: you slept through the night for the first time EVER!!! (9:20- 7:15) It was sooo amazing. 

Then last night she went back to waking twice. However, now that she's done it once she will start doing it more often soon hopefully!

For the first time in 2 years though(thanks to back to back babies and pregnancy) I got to lay in bed for 8 hours straight. Notice I didn't say sleep lol, but that's just because I can't sleep through the night anymore haha. It was still nice not getting out of bed. Typically Lyla wakes twice and between Sean/Breyton they wake once or twice a week needing it was a miracle that not one of them woke me up all night long.

It truly is an answered prayer that she is gradually sleeping better and falling asleep on her own without having to 'cry it out'. I'm just not cut out for 'cry it out' when they are little bitty lol... because I physically can not do it. I'd need someone to restrain me;) I try and pep talk myself into doing it, but 10-20 minutes is my absolute max I seem to make it. Then I have overwhelming guilt lol. My husband thinks I'm crazy...and I probably am. I've just been praying she'd reach the milestone on her own when the time was right. Maybe praying that it was sooner than later as well! Lol

Anyways, I just wanted to update on two exciting milestones! Because clearly when your baby sleeps through the night after over a year of waiting you make a blog post about it!!! Mason, the boys, and I still think it's so weird to see Lyla walking around the house. Bittersweet! Mostly sweet though...I was ready for her to get up off the floor. Then I don't have to feel so bad when I don't get around to cleaning my floors haha.

Next up is talking and I can tell she has a lot to say!!!;)

Now that she's really on the move all pics are like this: