Friday, October 9, 2015

1/3 the space, so I will need twice the grace.

 Well, I just thought I'd write a post to clear up any confusion. Yes, we are crazy. This is not new!;) A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how we were feeling led to downsize. Instead of asking the question of "How much can we afford in our budget?" we decided to ask ourselves, "How little can we get by with, so that others can have enough?". You'd have to read my previous blog to see all the details of starting to pursue this thought of downsizing/simplifying. I can tell you it's all pretty much summed up with God, and really studying His word. (No, I can't tell you we are all called to do this same thing or that a certain size house is a sin etc, because no where in the bible does it list sq footage out for us;)'s different for every person. That's between you and God and not anyone else. I can tell you when we dared to truly ask God 'what's next?' that I know this is what our family is led to do and we are going to be obedient in that. 

Just one week ago I had no idea how this was gonna play out. We just knew we had to sell our house. Now, God has shown us the next step. Not the whole staircase liked I'd desperately like to see!;)

Through Masons job an apartment security position becomes available on rare occasion. Without going into too much detail apartments can hire an officer to live in the complex to be their on call security. Your 'pay' is a free or very discounted rent depending on apartment size. He still works his regular job, but this is more of an after hours position. Anyways, last week a position opened up and Mason went for an interview and got the job! Prior to him going to the interview I was panicked because I wasn't sure that we could move our family into a 832 sq ft apartment! Yet, at the same time this would be an awesome opportunity to sell our house without a crazy rush and find land to build on. I just prayed and prayed that God would close the door if it wasn't his will and that he wouldn't let Mason be chosen if it was not his plan for us. Trust me I did not want to move into a tiny apartment unless is was undeniably Gods will!! Really I thought it was a long shot because who wants to hire someone that's moving three kids and a german shepherd in with them ha. 

I was wrong.

In a couple of weeks we will move from our 2400 sq ft home into an apartment 1/3 the size. We are now in serious downsizing mode. I've been cleaning out everything we don't use on a very regular basis. 

Another part of Gods timing is yesterday right before Mason called me to tell me he got the job our foster daughters case worker called to give me an update. Usually our caseworker does not just call to give updates... if you knew all the details you would just know it had to be God! Lol
Our foster daughter is scheduled to go home the very same week we would have to move into the apartment. Which is God reaffirming this step to me because I wouldn't have moved into the apartments if it meant having to 'disrupt' our foster daughter and have her placed with another family because of it. Thats one big question I had in all of this because she couldn't share a room with our boys, etc....then God just answered it all unexpectedly in one day. 

I guess we are gonna try out a tiny living experiment while we are in the apartment. I'll let you know if I stay sane through all of it:) Our 'plans' for the future are to build a 1600(ish) sq ft home. We already had people telling us that was way too small for our family. While I do appreciate peoples concerns I've found usually when God is telling us to do something we have to do it. Even if the majority around us do not agree. (Our precious priceless son we've now adopted is an example of this!) We can't miss out on what God has in store! I've come to the conclusion that I just have to ignore the pressures of society because clearly people get by with much less. And a lot of them are much happier for it.  I must admit I was starting to question it all as well! Now I feel like God is saying here live in a 800sq ft apartment for a bit and by the time you move out you won't be complaining about a house of any size! Alrighty, then. Here comes my lesson on being content in whatever circumstances I find myself in!

"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5 ESV)


  1. Amazing. This is Michelle Bell :). I'm so proud of you and Mason for taking on awesome responsibilities. God is so great! That little boy that you adopted is so blessed to have you and Mason and your other children, as his permanent family. God is an amazing God.

    1. Thank you miss Michelle! Hope you are doing wonderful!
