Friday, May 17, 2013

A 'bad mom' moment and B talk.

Yesterday we are playing outside and all the sudden Breyton runs over crying saying a bug flew into his eye. He is rather hysterical, but I just think that it hurts from the bug hitting his eye..not that big of a deal, right? I finally get him to let me see his eye and I don't see anything. He is still crying so I gave him a wet cloth to rub his eye with to see if that helps.

Oh, 30 minutes later he still has me looking in his eye saying 'the bug is still in there!' over and over! I'm pulling gently on his eyelid and looking all around and don't see a thing wrong. At this point I think he is just being overly dramatic and tell him repeatedly his eye is fine and it may just hurt for a bit.

About 2 HOURS later...

He is still complaining and we are sitting there and he is rubbing his eye and out comes a FLY. A baby fly nonetheless, but there was seriously a bug apparently hidden under his eye lid that finally came out.

Needless to say I felt like a terrible mom because I didn't really believe him and his eye was red the remainder of the day.

Poor fella.

A lessened learned for this momma.

In other more funny news Breyton has been saying his usual random stuff:

In an attempt to get baby D in trouble Breyton said to me, "Mom you know how 'shut-up' is a bad word and bad guys say it on tv?.....well D has been saying it all day."

Really son?

Though funny the end of age 3 is when I'm learning that lying comes in full force. Hoping as B learns what a lie is and that it is serious we can cut some of this out...because currently he lies about everything..all day.

Then I've been sick today B was playing in his room for a few when I walks in there he immediately said, "I didn't do anything!".

I still have not figured out what he did wrong that he was hiding...or maybe
he really didn't do anything for once:)

That kid literally drives me crazy somedays, but at the end of the day I love him with my whole heart. They do always look like angels when sleeping though:)
Now I'm heading to bed praying I can get some rest through all this congestion and sneezing!


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