Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Random pics of B:)

Random pics from the past few weeks:)

Breyton was so tired the other night when we got home at 10:30 that he got in bed and fell asleep in this position while the light was still on and I was in the other room. This never happens, so I had to take a pic of course.
Painting letters for an "Art" wall in his room

                                                                 He loves to do crafts:)

                            Our very non-fancy 'DIY' art display for all of B's beautiful creations!
                                                        He is very proud of it though:)
                             He told me he was getting all his cars and trucks ready for a rally lol.

                                                  At the science museum with a buddy:)

            A super tall(and fast) slide the boys went down all by themselves. I shouldn't be suprised.

                          Passed out in the carseat...this is also a very rare occasion now:(

                                         Helping make rice krispy treats! He loves to 'cook'.
I have sooo much to say about our foster care situation and so many pictures to share of our *soon to be* first foster placement...BUT I cant really share any of it for now, so this is what happens. It's good to have a post every now and again that has no purpose I suppose! lol

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