Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Another chapter closed...excited for new begginings!

We close on the house at 10 am tomorrow! After many 'closing' delays we are excited it's here.

Of course we procrastinated on having house cleared out till the week we FINALLY got everything completely out of every nook and cranny in our house. We have worked on it every single weekend since we 'moved' out October 1st.

It. was. never. ending.

Let's just say by this past Monday/Tuesday (which is our weekend) we were completely sick of everything. I just wanted to give it all away or throw it away depending. Obviously we can't need it since we've lived 2 months without it, right?!

Anyways, I was getting a fairly sour attititude towards it all after our second long drive to Shawnee to take a load down there for storage. Then God always has a way of putting you back in your place:) and making you look at the glass half full.  I was in the car alone for the hour drive down and a bunch of non-'coincidence' things happened. Pretty cool how one can go into the car grumbling about wasting yet another entire day moving 'junk'....then shortly after come out praising God that we have been blessed with sooo much 'junk' that we have to move and that our house sold so quickly that we had a deadline to get it all out by.

As usual God is good. End of story. :)

Oh, and here are a few last pics (thankfully) my neighbor suggested we should take!

 This is us as we said our final good-bye to our first house..(.not sure if I should put a sad face or happy face here lol). It's bittersweet. Leaning more towards sweet though:)

Empty living room....

Closing and walking away from our pretty blue door for the last time!

Also, a quick update: We did start our training for DHS foster care certification this morning. It's a 9 week program and then we are done! I always hear people say this and it's true....crazy how the devil tries to throw a bunch of things at you when you are trying to accomplish a work that God has called you to. First day of class and it was one of those mornings where almost everything went wrong and then after sitting in our 3+ hour class we are welcomed with a parking ticket when we come out. Ya know what though it wasn't really all that fact in many ways I'm more sure than ever that we are doing what we are supposed to be doing.

After all I'm becoming more and more aware anything that God calls you to is not easy, but the biggest blessings usually come through the hardest of trials! So bring it.

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