Friday, May 4, 2012

The hurt and The Healer

It's the word nobody wants to say...not the ultrasound tech, the Dr, friends, or family...not even myself or my husband.


It's like if we don't talk about it then you pretend it's not real. It is real. The questions are real. The pain is very real.

Past few days have been the hardest of my life and this journey of grief is far from over, however God is already guiding us on His path in the midst of it all. I'm choosing to not hide away in silence with this miscarriage.... though it seems as if it's some unspoken rule in society that the loss of a baby is supposed to be swept under the rug. Some may not understand how you can mourn for someone you've never met. There's no doubt that it's a hard subject, so really it's easiest if people don't try to 'fix it' because in reality only God can heal this hurt. God is showing me to be more open instead of hiding this grief, so He will have the opportunity to use this for His glory. I'm already thankful for my family and friends for their prayers and support...mostly my husband for grieving with me and holding me when all I could do was sob.

I've cried till there are no tears left just wondering 'why!?' and yet I do have unwavering faith in God's ultimate plan. The moment I found out this pregnancy was likely over I was laying on the ultrasound table and just remember staring at the ceiling feeling numb thinking this wasn't possible. This wasn't happening to us and this baby. After trying for 11 months to get pregnant I just knew this was God's perfect timing and I have been floating through this pregnancy with a joy that's indescribable. We were just so ready for another baby and in this past month we already had this baby's whole life practically planned with names picked out, room decor, holidays with new baby, on and on. There will be so many reminders of what might have been and already getting on this blog seeing the 'announcement' I had typed up a month ago to share our joy with the world when the time was right stirs up such heartache.

Now it's all just over....we have to pick up the pieces and try to move on through all the 'could have beens'.

When I got in the car after walking out of the hospital this song came on and I could feel God putting his arms around me as he watched his child cry out and I know without a doubt how much he cares....He will be walking through all of this with me.

Mercy Me- The Hurt and The Healer
The question that is never far away
The healing doesn’t come from the explained
Jesus please don’t let this go in vain
You’re all I have
All that remains

So here I am
What’s left of me
Where glory meets my suffering

I’m alive
Even though a part of me has died
You take my heart and breathe it back to life
I’ve fallen into Your arms open wide
When the hurt and the healer collide

Sometimes I feel it’s all that I can do
Pain so deep that I can hardly move
Just keep my eyes completely fixed on You
Lord take hold and pull me through

So here I am
What’s left of me
Where glory meets my suffering

I’m alive
Even though a part of me has died
You take my heart and breathe it back to life
I’ve fallen into your arms open wide
When the hurt and the healer collide

Jesus come and break my fear
Awake my heart and take my tears
Find Your glory even here
When the hurt and the healer collide [x2]

Jesus come and break my fear
Awake my heart and take my tears
Find Your glory even here"

I hope this provides hope for someone else who may be going through a dark time that, in time, God can make beauty from ashes. Thank you Jesus for carrying us when we can't seem to move, for being the ultimate Healer, for providing a comfort and peace only you can provide, for speaking to us just when we need to hear it most....and for being a loving Father that does not waste a sorrow.


  1. Oh jessica my heart just breaks for you. Absolutely had me in tears
    I also often think of the fathers that have lost a child. God knows his plans for you and your family and I so look forward to the day He blesses you with your new little one to love on. Please know you are so loved and are being lifted in prayer.

  2. Jess, I know we've both said this before (like, thirty minutes ago? ha ha) but I have to say again that it is such a timely and profound blessing to have your friendship- and to rediscover it as we have. I'm so glad to see your faith and sorrow intermingled in this post- to see your courage throughout it all. How could God not be glorified in this? Let's not sweep it under the rug. Jesus came to shed light and expose the truth. He can work and be magnified and glorified in our hurting, in our healing, and... in our WAITING.

    It is a privilege to wait with you, to process grief with you, and talk with someone who understands- not in some distant past but immediately and poignantly. Of course, you know what I mean by that- not that I'm glad it's happened at all.

    Thank you for having coffee today. I'll be tuning in to future posts! And I hope to hang out again soon!!


    Natasha W.

  3. And....
    A blog post that my pastor read out loud on Mother's Day. Courtney Reissig also has a regular blog I subscribe to:
