Thursday, August 2, 2012

Things to remember~July

July is a fun month with my birthday at the beginning then our anniversary at the end....followed by Breyton and Mason's birthday in August!

 Summer used to be my favorite season, but I think I can officially say I prefer spring and fall now. With how much B loves the outdoors this is heat is just miserable! We are stuck inside way too much!!

Since Breyton's birthday party isn't until Saturday and Mason had to work this afternoon/evening...B and I went random places in town to make the day fun for him-including spending an hour in PetCo watching all the different animals in their cages. Then we spent about 45 minutes in the mcdonalds play-place lol...when its this hot outside you get a little desperate (or creative!). All in all B had a great day which is all that matters:)

 For July I didn't do as good at jotting down some of the random sweet or funny things B says, so I'm going by memory mostly, but here we go~

1)Breyton is already such a backseat driver! I think we are in for some trouble lol. He is always telling us to go faster, slower, stop, or go!

Earlier this month Breyton and I were driving in the car ( going around a curve) and up ahead there were some trees lining the side of the road- so Breyton proceeds to say, " Momma, watch out for those trees! Got to be careful, don't wreck the car.....We get an owie!" then few minutes later he tells me "not to go too fast" because "the po-lice will come get me".

2)At bedtime one night I was singing 'You are my sunshine' and B (repeating one of the lines) said, "you make me happy?" and I said "yes, you make me happy!"....then he says, "no, Jesus make you happy mommy!".

Can I just say I LOVE moments when I know some of the truth of who God is is sinking in to his mind....I want him to never have a doubt of the importance of Jesus in this family's everyday life.

3)One of Breyton's favorite questions this month is "How did that get there??". He asks it about everything!

4)Breyton is still so sweet at this age and I'm trying to soak in all the "I wuv you's" , hugs, and cuddles I can get because the reality of how fast time is passing is a constant reminder that one day he is gonna think he is too big or too cool for mom.

5) On sort of the opposite side of #3 is the increasing independence he wants. One of his phrases this month was, "don't look at me!"....He used that a lot at random moments when I can't help but be watching him!

6)With Mason's switch to evenings(instead of nights) B has become more aware of his daddy's job. He is very interested in all of daddy's equipment and asks to go with daddy every time he leaves for work. After Mason leaves Breyton has told me "When I grow big, I go in police car with daddy!".

7)B also misses Mason at bedtime because that routine used to involve mostly daddy. So B's grammy just got a book where Mason's voice is recorded reading every night B gets to hear daddy read a book still. Breyton loves it!

8) Lastly, one of the new things he has started saying over the past few days is "Hold up!" makes me laugh every time he uses it!

My next post will be after the birthday excited to see Breyton's face and excitement! Three is going to be a great year. :))

Few pics below from the mini birthday party we had earlier this week with Mason's parents/grandparents and some from today!

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