Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Things to remember~ June

The months are going by so fast I can hardly keep up!

Some of my ramblings and memories of Breyton in June:

1) I thought June was the month B was giving up naps. It was a scary thought initially. Thankfully, it was just a 2 week sabbatical from naps...at least so far. I do think they really are phasing out just a little more slowly which is ok. They don't have to be an everyday thing, but I will enjoy the days they do still happen!

2)We have most definitely entered the stage of 'why's' and 'how's'...and you can throw in the "who, what, when, where" as well. Breyton LOVES asking questions. It's amazing how many ways he can ask a question about one thing!
 Example from earlier:
B- 'Daddy, what's that?'
M-'It's a coyote'
B-'How? How come??'
M-'Umm that's just the way God made it"
M-'I guess a long time ago'
M-'Because he wanted to.'
M-'Huh? I don't know what you mean'
B-'Oh, ok.'.............'What's this?' ~Ha on to the next question!

3) The crazy vast imagination. I can't possibly type or remember all the crazy stories and ideas Breyton comes up with. It's just such a funny stage-he can pretend he's in the ocean, on a tractor, stuck in the mud or rain, hiding from coyotes, chased by dinosaurs, or catching frogs at any moment and you have to be prepared to play along.

4)Here's a pic of B with his caterpillar toy which he decided one day was named 'papa'....so he would talk to this toy and pull it around saying, "Come on papa, let's go do 'this or that'...". My dad felt honored to have a caterpillar named after him! lol

5) Our cat that we've had since before Breyton was born was killed last month and B asks "where the kitty cat" is all the time. He asked again the other day where our kitty was at and I told him she was in heaven.....he thought for a minute and responded with "kitty cats can't fly". :) Such a sweet mind.

6) Last month he really liked to tell you whether he could or couldn't do something by his self. If he thought he was able to do it by himself he would make sure you didn't help in anyway. Then on the opposite end he likes to copy what he's heard us say- when you asked him to do something he'd say he was 'too tired' in an exhausted voice or 'I just can't do it'.

7)Breyton's first family lake trip was in the middle of last month and it was so much fun. Breyton loves the water and  really enjoyed spending all day everyday outside. My mistake was knocking the 3 of us off the wave-runner on Breyton's first ride...so he was a little scared of the wave-runner for a few days, but slowly started coming back around(my bad!!). His favorite pass time's were throwing rocks in the water, playing with Brooklynn, and watching the guys catch crawdads! A great plus was B slept sooo good down there almost slept in till 9 am every morning. We can't wait to go back for many more trips!

Few pics from June~
Above picture I took of  B who pulled up his lawn chair to watch a tractor mow the field behind our house. I'm sure the man loved having an audience!

Breyton and Brooklynn at the lake
Finishing up a delicious powdered donut:)

Throwing rocks in the water at sunset.

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