Monday, June 25, 2012

Summer TIme-Putting up the pool and fence!

So Mason finally agreed we could get a pool this summer:) I'm very happy since the summer's here have been getting so hot it makes it rather impossible to enjoy being outside. Breyton and I spend most of our time outdoors, so its going to be great to have a place to cool off that's a little bigger than the kiddie pool option! We definitely tried to start off as low maintenance as possible for having a pool, so we can better learn how to upkeep without getting in over our heads lol. Therefore we went with an easy set pool. It's been up a little over 3 weeks and was a way bigger job than planned with getting it up and all the extras we had to do with it.....such as discovering what we thought was a level spot in yard wasn't level enough and building a fence around it.

We got some quotes to have a fence built for us, but the pricing was of course without any prior experience we decided to build the fence ourselves. Seemed like the best option, and we are still glad we chose to, but it may be our first and last experience with putting in a fence. Whew, it's a LOT of work.  However, I must say we did a pretty darn good job for having no help! (Except of course for Breyton's "help").

The fence looks pretty good and most importantly has withstood 2 storms, so it must be sturdy enough. We can finally say it's all complete thanks to plenty of hard work. We have already been enjoying the benefits though and look forward to the rest of the summer. Come fall time we have plenty of big plans for turning the fenced in area to a backyard patio for a fire pit, etc to make the area useful year around when the pool isn't up. Excited for the possibilities!

Before the fence:

During the fence building:

And after:

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