Friday, June 15, 2012

Update on adventures in gardening:)

Some may say I'm easily entertained and I wouldn't disagree with them......but seriously growing a garden has been so awesome. Not that it hasn't been a hard work, but it's rewarding work. I mean just look how beautiful growing food is!!

I've been fascinated at the small stuff and I may be the only one, but watching how plants grow up a trellis without any help is just pretty cool. haha I've been around gardens a lot and even helped pick from them, but I guess because I was never responsible for taking care of it, so I didn't notice all the details God has so perfectly designed. These little vine 'arm' things just grow off the plant searching for anything to attach to so the plant can grow upward and it's neat to watch how fast they can wrap around plus how sturdy they are.

Also didn't realize vegetable plants grow flowers right where the vegetable itself begins to bud and grow.

So now we've come pretty full circle from seed to harvest just waiting for a few slow growers to start producing's a look at the garden from a little over a month ago and its grown A LOT since then as you can see.

Oh, and here's one of my cute little helper.

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