Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A 'Long' Day.

The title of this post is kind of what the blog was named after and the reason it was started. Just to document the random, sometimes mundane, occurances that make up our life together. Over the past few years sooo much has changed since I started this blog and I've wrote on all kinds of topics mostly about our life, miscarriage, my love for adoption, pregnancy, and of course my love of Jesus. 

I have not been writing lately because I am always feeding, wiping, or helping some little person:) My days are very full, but so is my heart here lately.

Thankful to have this space that I have documented life's big and small events over the past few years and looking forward to whatever surprises lie ahead.


The past month it has really set in that there is only one of me and three children now.

I have realized that I will never ever see the bottom of the laundry hamper as a family of 5.

I will be cleaning up others poop daily for many more years.

Keeping crumbs off the floor is impossible.

Spilled milk is just to be expected. 


Whining and tantrums are normal for my little coworkers.

The number of questions I answer from a curious 4 yr old daily would blow your mind.

Thankfully I also get to hear for the 3rd time the first giggles or little voice say 'mommy'.

Listen to my 4 year old 'read'(from memory) his little brother and sister a book.

Watch baby D dance around the room with a huge grin.

Sneak in to pray over them while they sleep.

And have the opportunity to be here for all the moments in between.
If you had asked me one year ago if I thought I'd be a mother of three children at this time I would have never guessed it.  

I keep coming across this same old saying over and over the past few weeks "The days are long, but the years are short." Now as I'm on my 3rd child I'm seeing the truth in it so much more.

Being a stay at home mom many days can feel like they go on forever, so how is it that 4.5 years have already passed since I began this journey??

One thing I have figured out is being a mother is a seriously important job...but you have to be able to laugh at all that comes your way. Life with little people is full of messy surprises:)

So I was sort of recapping just a few of the bloopers from the past few weeks in my mind earlier....

Right before weather turned cold we were enjoying an afternoon outside. Baby D thought it was real cute to put a TON of sand in his hair when I wasn't looking. Rubbing over to try to shake it off only worked it deeper into his hair.

So to get it out I may or may not have attempted holding him upside down to shake it out, using a vacuum hose, finally following up with a bath in which he was laid back to 'soak'.  Most the sand remains trapped in all the tiny curls.

I had to give up...the afro has won. 

While trying to solve this fiasco with tips online I came across the '10 commandments of black hair care for white parents' (for real) and #7 is thou shalt avoid sandboxes. 

Lesson learned.

As it is a right of passage into toddlerhood D unrolled a roll of toilet paper.  Instead of using my 1 free minute tediously rolling it back up I wadded it up by the toilet and whoever is using the potty has to gather some from the pile on the floor till it is gone.

Breyton also pooped all down his legs, pants, and side of the toilet. Yes my ONE potty trained child.  Never a good thing to hear, "Mom hurry! There is poop EVeRYWhERE!!" Apparently, he said  was standing up peeing when all the sudden he had to poop and couldn't turn around to sit in time.....

You are welcome for that story. I'm a girl so this makes no sense to me, but according to my 4 year old this really happens to boys.

Have I mentioned I've really lost my mind lately(hopefully temporarily!)...Including an embarrassing incident of thinking I left my phone in the car while mason and split up in Walmart to tackle the list more quickly. He has the keys of course. After searching all over Walmart, running into a church friend and having her help me search for mason, then finally resorting to having mason paged over intercom and standing there hoping he shows up...is the moment my phone starts ringing...in my pocket..where it was all along.

Also, not surprisingly I leave the diaper bag places. Lyla better be glad her food is attached to me or she may have gone hungry a few times!

Must say the boys were cracking me up in the car the other day. Breyton had fallen asleep while D was still awake, which is rare! Anyways D is reaching over wacking Breyton in the head and laughing...then suddenly Breyton wakes up for a brief second just to wack D back and goes right back to sleep lol.

They are also already starting the "He's touching me"/"he's looking at me" stuff during the car rides. Gotta love it!

This is the life right here...swimming in a big bubble bath to fight off cabin fever from the cold weather.

Our beautiful tree had been up for about a week. Started out looking all cozy and neat like this...

  And the other night ended up like this....

Should probably be on our Christmas card right?  

That's just a few of the millions of things that go on in our household.

I must say we laugh a lot in our home.... that and Jesus is what keeps things going around here.

Also, helps to get some big smiles like this every morning:)

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