Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Lyla~ 10 months old.

I'm finding these monthly 'birthdays' posts to be getting more emotional for momma. Ten months is awfully close to one year and that just breaks my heart pretty much! I kind of need my baby to stay a baby longer! 

Everyone always says they've never seen a baby smile as much as you do and I'd have to agree. You may not be the best sleeper, but I can't complain about your temperament! You almost always have a big beautiful grin on your face! 

•You had a check up just a week and half ago. You weighed 16.2 lbs (2nd percentile for weight) and 26 inch long(10-15 percentile for height). Still little bitty on the charts! 

•You play very well--with your brothers around especially:) As long as your not sick you will crawl all over the house and stay pretty happy exploring unless its nap time or eatin time! I do notice when your bubba's are gone you get bored or fussy much easier. I guess that's pretty obvious since they are the entertainment!

•You just love food! If one of the boys gets a snack you come crawling over trying to steal it and will cry if we don't get you something. Three meals a day and nursing very 3hrs or so around that. You eat pretty much eat everything we eat that's healthy still. No baby food at all anymore because you close your lips tight if I try to put a spoon near have to be able to pick it up and feed yourself or your not eating it. 

•You are pulling up on everything and cruising along furniture. Started walking behind your baby walker push toy this past week as well. It doesn't seem possible that it's almost time for you to be walking!! Even though both your brothers were walking the week they turned 10 months. I'm not quite ready for that yet.

•You love to dance! Anytime we turn on music you start boppin up and down or cute!

•Two bottom teeth have been through for a little while and two top teeth have been so close to breaking through! They actually look like they are in bc they stick out so far and are white almost from pressure...poor baby:(

•You crawl around outside and get filthy just like your brothers! You wear pants usually to keep from scratching up your legs and they always look like this when we come in:

• You say mama and dada to the correct person now:)

• Sleep: Still waking a minimum of two times a night. Sometimes you wake 3-4 times which is not fun!! 

• Naps: You have dropped the 3rd nap or evening cat nap. Typically nap from 10-11:30/12 in the morning and then take a 30 min-1 hour nap around 3:00 and then bedtime around 7:30/8:30 depending. 

More pics of this past month:

Your cousin amelia and you at the zoo.
@ the zoo

Brushin teeth with your bubba before bed!

Breyton wanted to give you a crazy hair do:)

Playin airplane on of your favorite things!

Being silly with your brother!

Mesmerized by your bubba blowing bubbles for you.

Sweetly sleepin.

Sweet cousins with Meems-

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