Saturday, January 11, 2014

Lyla~ 3 months old

My baby girl is 3 months old today! Craziness!

•You are getting to have such a personality these days! You smile all the time and talk/coo tons!

•Your daddy is convinced you love him most:) He says you always smile the most for him.

•Started to giggle at 11 weeks old. It's the cutest thing ever!

•Officially rolled from your stomach to your back day before turning 13 weeks!You've rolled over two other times, but the surface you were on made it only once for real!

• Even though I'm usually pretty tired upon waking Mommy's favorite time with you is first thing in the morning. You are always crazy happy with big smiles and I love our mommy/daughter conversations!

• Your brothers love you soo much. It actually surprises me how interested they are in you. Breyton spends a big portion of his day showing you all his toys, what they can do, and telling you crazy stories. Lol D always comes up and pats you on the stomach and can say 'yi-ya' now!

• You are getting little rolls everywhere:) Weighing between 11-12 lbs now. Wearing 0-3 months and starting to fit in all your 3 month stuff right on time!

•Still LOVE baths!

•Your new thing now is sucking on your hand all the time! You still refuse a paci, but love your own little fist..I think your working on finding your thumb:)

•Nursing every 2.5-3 hrs during the day.

• You go to sleep easily listening to nursery music! Naps have become predictably 35-40 min long..and you stay awake about 1hr 15 min-1 hr 30 between them.

•At night you go to sleep around 8:30-9:15. Waking for the first time about 1 and then again around 4:30/5 then for the day at 7:30/8.(well this was the norm until last night:/ You woke up lots, but hoping that was a fluke!)

• Still brown hair and dark blue eyes. Eyes are starting to change though I think!

More pics from the past month:

Big smile!

Pretty girl at church! We left you in nursery for the first time at 12 weeks. Just through Sunday school we had to come get you before big did great, but we missed you! Baby steps:)

Happy, happy!

Mohawk baby!

Sleeping peacefully on mom!

Hanging out with daddy!

Big grin!

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