Total Weight gain: 21-22lbs -Still not gaining weight hardly supposed to be trying to up my protein intake.
Maternity Clothes: Yes maternity pants or stretchy skirts!
Stretch marks: None this week.
Sleep: MISERABLE. I have seriously not slept more than 4 hrs pretty much every night this week. Baby D has been sick first with a cold/congestion then diahrea for 5 day/nights! I've felt so bad for him:( Then in between I get woke up every night when mason comes in about 1:30am, plus getting up to pee, and my crazy hip problem that keeps me uncomfortable.
Food cravings: Fruit, sandwiches, pretty much anything. I've been in a cooking mood this week and have made some pretty delicious meals...told hubby to enjoy since there won't be a whole lot of that while I have a newborn.
Symptoms: Been a very uncomfortable week. Lots of pre labor discomforts-contractions, cramping, back pain. Midwife did not check dilation this week so can't say how I've progressed..doesn't really matter bc baby will come when she wants! My belly is measuring behind still at 37 weeks, so no growth in 2 weeks according to them. Midwife said she is not concerned yet unless I make it to my next appt with no growth. Hopefully it's just bc Lyla has 'dropped' throwing off measurements or just petite.
Lastly, I'm not really a moody/hormonal pregnant person..usually just happy...UNTIL this week lol. Guess better than being that way the whole 9 months:) Anyways, I've cried too many times to count this week about anything and everything. I woke up at 1 am sobbing uncontrollably for an hour in the middle of the night. My husband thinks I'm losing it and so do I! Ha
Best moment this week: Trying to focus on having a healthy baby in my arms even if it takes longer than I wish..she will just be extra healthy by cooking a little longer.
Gender: Girl
Movement: Movement was slowing down the end of this week...Until last night she was crazy between 10pm and 4 am. Everytime I got up she was moving a lot! I do think she is running out of room by 39 weeks and she is really pushing out with her movements. Still hiccups daily, but not as often.
What I miss: Lots of things...I mean about my body, sleeping comfortably, etc. Even though you don't get to sleep much with a newborn at least your not miserably uncomfortable while awake all night!
Best moment this week: Trying to focus on having a healthy baby in my arms even if it takes longer than I wish..she will just be extra healthy by cooking a little longer.
Gender: Girl
Movement: Movement was slowing down the end of this week...Until last night she was crazy between 10pm and 4 am. Everytime I got up she was moving a lot! I do think she is running out of room by 39 weeks and she is really pushing out with her movements. Still hiccups daily, but not as often.
What I miss: Lots of things...I mean about my body, sleeping comfortably, etc. Even though you don't get to sleep much with a newborn at least your not miserably uncomfortable while awake all night!
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing my daughters face for the first time, holding her, newborn scent:) Can't wait!
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