Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Pregnancy tracker: Week 34

Well we are in our new home this week! Hard to believe its finally really here. Lots of work left to do, but things are coming together. Feels good to finally be back in a house and able to start preparing for Lyla. Her room is looking good, but I need to pack a hospital bag sometime, write thank you notes, and buy diapers!! We currently have like two packs and niether are newborn size. Definitely behind on stocking up. Also, a minor detail we have yet to address is that we have no way to transport our 3 little blessings! We can NOT fit 3 carseats across in our current crossover without spending $$ on new narrower carseats...and even with doing that it will be a very tight squeeze and probably not the best set up. We really need to sell our car and get something with a 3rd row. However we only have one car, so we'd need to sell it and already have a replacement ready. Anyways, a little stressful being potentially a few weeks out and mode of transportation up in the air! The jump from 2 to 3 little kids is a big one:)

Anyways still no chalkboard pic....but I have 2 photos from my maternity session with Danielle Nicole Photography! Excited to see the rest:)

Size of baby: Butternut squash

Total Weight gain: 20 lbs

Maternity Clothes: Here and there!

Stretch marks: None except for the one small one by my belly button ring still...

Sleep: I have been sick this week with cold/congestion:( Therefore makes any sleeping very miserable!

Food cravings: Fruit. That is my one consistent craving. Every single day/week of this pregnancy that is something that always sounds good. Also, had a lot of Mexican food this week!

Symptoms: Braxton hicks, feeling the weight of carrying her, and pressure! People usually think I have 'dropped'...I've carried kinda low the whole time though, so kind of hard to say.

Best moment this week: Moving into our new house finally! Been over 6 months in the waiting and we are so excited. Of course Lyla's room was about the first thing I started working on. It's been a week full of constant hard work, but things are starting to get in place somewhat. Oh, had my church baby shower this week as well which is always fun!

Gender: Girl

Movement: Still an active little girl. Though this week has been, so busy I haven't had the opportunity to sit and enjoy her move as much!

What I miss: This week...sleep!!! And being able to breathe through my nose.

What I'm looking forward to: Started washing her little clothes and trying to prepare for her arrival. Looking forward to being more settled in the house and meeting my daughter for the first time!!

Sneak peak of Lyla's nursery! Will post more pics soon!

Pic of all the preggo girls @ my shower. We are in order of due dates from left to right. Lots of babies coming the next few months:)

Random pic from baby shower set up:)

I have one other baby shower for family/friends in Shawnee and its a double shower with my sis-in-law who is due 2.5 weeks after me! Can't wait!!!

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