Week 9
Breyton ran in and photo bombed this pic:)
Size of baby:Ok so thebump.com said an olive...apparently when I took the chalkboard pic I saw grape on another site. Same thing:)
Weight gain: 0 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Nope-my jeans are definitely feeling snug. Strange bc I have not gained any weight.
Stretch marks: no
Sleep: The same as past weeks pretty much...
Food cravings: Mexican food. Fruit. Cereal. Burgers. Also ate a fresh spinach and strawberry salad one day this week at 9:45 am lol...weird considering how repulsive that sounded the past 2 weeks. Lastly anything lime/salty-limeades, virgin frozen margarita's are a must have around here this week.
Symptoms: Some 'growing pains' or stretching in my pelvis area. Very sore boobs and some nausea still here and there.
Best moment this week: Everything is still going great and with each week that passes I can sigh with relief and thank God that we've made it this far!
Gender: ?
Movement: not yet
What I miss: nothing really...I've been majorly craving the lemonade they made in Mexico when we were on vaca..it just can't be recreated and that(and the beaches) I do miss dearly!!!
What I'm looking forward to: All the usual baby stuff:) My next appt is several weeks away. On a non-pregnancy related note we get to go to the 'design center' which is the next step in our house building process. After that appointment when all those details are finalized they will finally break ground! Yay!:)
Size of baby: Prune...My uterus is now the size of a grapefruit however, so I'm feeling the slight bulge. Though I think at this point it's still mostly a little bloat and that I no longer hold my tummy in:)
Weight gain: I had gained 1 lb....then second day into this week morning sickness or in my case ALL freakin day sickness kicked in out of nowhere. I really though I was in the clear:/ I have been soo sick all this week though and have trouble finding anything I can eat. I've been trying to drink Breyton's pediasure lol and eat whatever I can even if its bad stuff.
Maternity Clothes: not yet...jeans where feeling a little snug. About to be buttoning them with a rubberband for comfort!
Stretch marks: no..I didn't get any with Breyton, so hopefully none this time.
Sleep: Slept a little better this week! Baby D has been waking once or twice a night, so it's been a little better still. Though Breyton was sick this week and therefore woke me up about once a night out of discomfort. Poor fella.
Food cravings: I've been so nauseous..when I have craved something it's been potatoes, fruit, and bread stuff.
Symptoms: Just when you think symptoms should be fading mine decide to really start up lol.. This is the sickest I've been with any of my pregnancies by far.
Best moment this week: It's been kind of a hard week, but I really stay focused on how blessed we truly are. I will take this sickness any day bc the end result is worth it. I could say on a positive note I think this means my hormones are going strong and so is baby bc I'm definitely feeling it!
Gender: ?
Movement: not yet
What I miss: I miss being productive lol. I mean there's not a lot of taking it easy going on between both boys, but the housework and cooking dinner has been suffering bc I can't do it all feeling like this and on little sleep.
What I'm looking forward to: Looking forward to having more energy:) Also, our next appt is about 2 weeks away and can't wait to hear the heartbeat again.
This is so exciting! I think I gave up on the fruit comparisons long ago. The last time I paid attention was when the baby grew from a carrot to a banana to a grapefruit. (What?!) I understand comparing apples and oranges, but bananas and grapefruit is where I draw the line! ha ha
ReplyDeleteNausea is for the birds. That's all I can say. But I agree about cherishing the fact that it seems to be a surge of hormones, which is always a good thing in my book! I had a wave of nausea last week, and looking back I think I went through a growth spurt during that time, as well. Weird, but exciting. :) :)
Yes the fruit comparisons can get a little wacky! I'm not sure what they are basing it on sometimes lol. Nausea is no joke! I'm glad to e feeling a little better this week. I found it strange that my nausea was at its worst in week 10, but hey it was a good sign!:) All exciting though!