I hope to eventually use this 'journal' of this pregnancy to make a book for our future son/daughter. I have one for when I was pregnant with Breyton and can't wait to compare and see the differences between pregnancies. Anyways I'll probably always answer these same weekly questions and add some as we go:) Here's the first few weeks of finding out I was expecting this little bundle of joy!
Size of baby: According to 'Thebump.com' our baby is a poppyseed right now.
Weight gain: 0lbs
Maternity Clothes: Nope
Stretch marks: I didn't get any with Breyton so hopefully won't this time.
Sleep: Feeling fairly exhausted. Guess that's to be expected when you are growing a little person....while waking up with a 5 month old at night an chasing a 3 yr old all day!
Food cravings: I consider it a craving if it's the only thing that sounds good at the time and I want it often! So far- fresh homemade salsa is top of the list. Pizza. Ice-cream.
Symptoms: Tired! Verryy sore boobs. Occasionally nauseous. Thankful that for signs that I am pregnant:)
Best moment this week:Finding out I'm pregnant! Even though we weren't preventing this month and had been trying for so long I just was soo suprised. I really had peace the past few months where I could move on with our foster/adoption journey. Fully didn't expect to see those 2 lines. Immediate praise to God for always having a plan greater than mine with unexpected joys!
Gender: ?
Movement: Not yet.
What I miss: Nothing yet! Just happy to be pregnant!
What I'm looking forward to:So much! I guess we can start with our first ultrasound in about 3-4 weeks and hearing our babies heartbeat. Trying to enjoy every moment even during this 'stressful' and tiring first trimester.
Size of baby: Currently a little apple seed and growing rapidly!
Weight gain: 0lbs
Maternity Clothes: Nope
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: I'm tired all the time it seems, but I also don't get to sleep much at night..due to a baby and having the flu. I'm always up coughing or can't breathe due to congestion:/
Food cravings: Cutie pie oranges! I've ate so many today I've lost count. Also, Strawberry spinach salads and pizza still!
Symptoms: The same- except the nausea is starting to kick in stronger! Never actually threw up with B so far the case this time.
Best moment this week: Having the flu made this a rough week...but Baby D officially got placed with us and everything with pregnancy appears to be going just fine:) Can't ask for too much more!!
Gender: ?
Movement: Not yet.
What I miss: Possibly coffee because im so exhausted lol I don't even have it often in non-pregnant state...but this week I crave it every morning!
What I'm looking forward to: Everything! Can't wait to watch my belly grow and feel movement especially!
Size of baby: Our little sweet pea<3
Maternity Clothes: Nope
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: Not very good this week-so nothing new! Baby D has been waking up every 2-3 hours, so kinda makes quality sleep hard to come by lol. All in all I survive well on little sleep so I'll make it!
Food cravings: So I guess I'm going to be cliche and say pickles, but seriously I've ate an entire jar just this week! Yum:) Also, potatoes in any form-bake potato, fries, potato chips, mashed potatoes, you name it! Oh and I've been enjoying blueberries/blackberries all week as well.
Symptoms: Still the same ones. Also, added feeling 'round ligament pains' or stretching pains.
Best moment this week:Every week I get more excited and the news just sinks in more. Can't wait for everything(except for more sleepless nights)! I'm just one of those people who loves being pregnant:)
Gender: ?
Movement: Not yet.
What I miss: Nothing really this week. Just happy!
What I'm looking forward to: Still excited for 1st u/s and hearing heartbeat. Also, looking forward to announcing to everyone(other than family/close friends)the blessed news!
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