Monday, March 4, 2013

Our exciting announcement:)

Where do I even begin....

Obviously I finally got to share our AWESOME WONDERFUL news that I'm pregnant! I kept debating when to share our news after our appt last week....decided the time was right for us because it's silly to expect something bad to happen and I can't contain the joy anyways:) We are so very excited and thankful to God for this new blessing. Let's just say I really didn't expect to find out I was pregnant one week before baby D was to officially be with us. I guess I don't dream big enough:)

I truly felt that D was such a blessing to our family and didn't think we'd get doubly blessed by having two new additions to our family this year.

We had my first appt On Feb 28th and to finally have an appoinment go well after 2 devestating losses and waiting so long was an emotional and beautiful thing! We got to see this little ones heart beating away and everything looked good. Thank you Lord!!!

This announcement may help explain the rather quick decision to get started building a house because this apartment was being outgrown more quickly than anticipated! For some reason it's still true that we always do big life changes in clusters lol. When we had Breyton we were about to become new parents, Mason quit his old job and started police academy, we were buying our first home, and moving away from family for the first time ever.

Then last time I was pregnant we were selling our first home, trying to pack, and condense ourselves into an apartment.

Now with this pregnancy we are in the middle of foster care and hopefully adoption, while we were trying to find land and build our forever home....which if things stay on schedule we should be moving into our new home about 4-6 weeks before baby is due! Hoping for once I may get to decorate a nursery BEFORE having the baby lol.

I'll post more about everything as it progresses:) I still sometimes have to just let the news sink in...thankful for my beautiful life. For now we a truly so excited for all that is to come this year and I'm so thankful for my God who heals our wounds, provides, and blesses abundantly.

 Oh, and a side note.....

We had court today for baby D and whether we get to adopt him is still unknown and may be for another 6 months or more:/ That is a whole other post, but I know God has a plan no matter how scary the situation may seem.....I just really pray everyday for His will....and that God's plan is for D to be with us forever... because the potential heartbreak seems unbearable. I know He will see us through whatever lies ahead!

   Our crazy annoucment was super windy....but it about sums up life right now:)

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