Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pregnancy tracker: Week 12!

Picture taken the day before I turned 13 weeks-more than ready to say good-bye to the first trimester!

Size of baby: Plum

Total Weight gain: about 1.5 lbs still

Maternity Clothes: no

Stretch marks: no

Sleep: Not so great this week. One night B was wired till after 10 then I finally get to bed to have baby D wake at 1, 3, then 6 for the day....partly due to bad congestion...though he's getting better! Makes for a tired mama still. Hopefully next week will be a little better:)

Food cravings: Fruit still...beginning of week 12 I had a hard time finding things that sound good. Eating was sort of a chore bc I stould in the kitchen half the day searching for something! lol These other random things sounded good all week-potato chips, pizza, pickles, chocolate milk, sno-cones, and citrus stuff.

Symptoms: occasionally nausea still and a growing belly...and terrible back pain. I know your thinking already? I don't think it's the pregnancy really so much, but just a combination of being pregnant and carrying a very chunky baby D around all the time.

Best moment this week: Went to my 12 week check up with my midwife and got to hear our baby's heart beating strong. Love it... Always reassuring!

Gender: ?

Movement: not yet really....Though once or twice I thought I felt the slightest flutters when laying down at night. I didn't feel any movement that I was sure was Breyton until 17 weeks, so I don't expect much quite yet. However, I think it will be soon!

What I miss: I still have my coffee cravings. Really just need to buy some decaf, so I can have it whenever I want...I just always forget at the store lately!

What I'm looking forward to: Feeling some movement that is undeniably this little one! Feeling the kicks and rolls is definitley my favorite part of pregnancy. This time around I can't wait for Breyton( and D )to feel it as well!

                                                       Hello second trimester!!!!

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