Monday, April 8, 2013

Exploring our homesite.

We drove out the past two days just to visit our land and see what progress has been made. Now that its not just a dense forest and our house pad is down we were actually able to walk around all of our lot and get a better vision of what our yard will be like:) Makes it even more exciting to see because its even more perfect for us than I thought! There is a creek bed the runs on the back side of our lot and so many trees and things to explore. Breyton already loves being out there and we have to bribe him to leave lol.

The above picture is the whole fam standing on our future home site:) Breyton is eating cookies that our already awesome neighbors brought us to welcome us. So blessed to have already met them twice and know that we will get along with our new neighbors. Plus they have a little boy who I can tell will have fun playing with my two boys. Neighbors are a big deal(meaning whether you get along or not) and at our old house and now at the new place we have been blessed to call them friends!

B was loving all the dirt and cut down trees. He was quite filthy by the time we left.

Mason and B standing on back side of our lot..pretty sure by that tree to the left is where I eventually want to have a tree house for the kiddos-it's got great branches for it!

The boys down in this cleared off spot that I have lots of ideas for. We will have lots of cleaning up to do as far as clearing off brush and thorn bushes to 'clean' the place up a little, but we are looking forward to working on our future yard!

Anyways those are just random pics from hanging out there yesterday..I know watching the house go up and it all come together will be a blessed opportunity...especially as long as it all goes up before baby is due lol. We definitely give God the credit for leading us in taking this apartment job, selling our house, then guiding us to this neighborhood and this lot! I feel so blessed that we will be able to watch our kids grow up here!

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