Chalkboard is back!
Size of baby: Winter melonChalkboard is back!
Total Weight gain: Weight gain has been kind of slowing down. Not sure why bc my appetite has not slowed down! Still at about 22lbs for my total thus far.
Maternity Clothes: I'm having trouble finding clothes that still fit this week! Shirts are short on covering the belly and baby is so low anything remotely snug feels uncomfortable. Almost there though! Lots of skirts, dresses, and sweatpants till then:)
Stretch marks: Still no new ones!
Sleep: I get up to pee a minimum of 3 times a night. No matter what! Limiting liquids before bed, etc does not change it. Also my hips have been either having shooting pain or going numb at night..I have to switch sides about every hour to relieve it. Didn't have that with Breyton!
Food cravings: Fruit..not picky this week. Anything sounds good:)
Symptoms: Still having Braxton hicks and now past day or two been having what feels like menstrual cramping as well. Found out I'm 2cm dilated at my appt last week! She said baby was very low and that she could feel her head sitting right in my pelvis. No wonder I can't sit or lay with my legs together lol. I'm glad I have made some progress, but I was dilated at 4cm for a week before Breyton doesn't tell me much:)
Best moment this week: I keep having dreams about going into labor or Lyla being here already...makes me so ready! Best moment this week though was having one last date night with the hubby before she arrives. We had so much fun! Also, trying to cherish this time with my 3 boys before our family is forever changed!
Gender: Girl
Movement: Still staying fairly active and has the hiccups all the time still!
What I miss: Getting to that point where I'm ready for her to be her now! I'm a little sad that this is probably my last time to experience pregnancy, but so desperately ready to see and hold her! I know it's best that she stays till closer to 38-39 trying to be patient:))
What I'm looking forward to: We have definitely been doing major nesting around here! No deep cleaning can compare to moving lol. I've now washed every curtain, pillow, rug, etc and any other washable item in this house. Everything is deep cleaned...the hard part is keeping up with all the daily stuff. Just looking forward to meeting her now!!! It's all I think about and waiting to going into labor is always exciting....kind of love the anticipation!
Got the basinett all washed and set up this week as well! Just need a baby to put in it:)
Oh and I'm giving myself points because I managed to get a few freezer meals done before Lyla arrives! Our lives are going to be so chaotic with 3 littles ones, so having just a few meals pre made will help some! Completed two lasagna pans and chicken enchiladas...depending how long little miss stays in there I may get some more done.
Pumpkin patch fun this week as well:) The cutest photos are of the boys together, so I'm bummed I can't share them!
A pumpkin comparison of the belly:)
Being a boy Breyton definitely wanted a pic by the 'warty' pumpkins.
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