Size of baby: Acorn squash...About 15.2-16.7 inches, 2.5-3.8 lb.
Total Weight gain: About 16.5-17 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Less and less of my regular clothes are fitting. Shirts are getting shorter and shorts are getting to snug:) I will not be buying maternity clothes at this point though, so ill make due till the end with what I got!
Stretch marks: no
Sleep: Baby D has been sick and teething so he has been waking up more at night. If I ever made myself get in bed before 11 then I might get some sleep...however that is my 'alone' time and there is so much I want to accomplish before we move!
Food cravings: Fruit, yogurt, cereal, pizza....pretty much all food. I've had the munches major this week!!!
Symptoms: Starting to get slightly uncomfortable finding positions to sleep and it's hard to roll over or get up with this belly:)
Best moment this week: Still feeling pretty good..and I know that wont last much longer. Plus one week closer to meeting Lyla!
Gender: Girl
Movement: Lots of big movement still and hiccups daily!
What I miss: Occasionally miss laying on my stomach or back still! I also can't hardly cross my legs when sitting at this point bc I'm carrying so low my belly gets in the way now lol.
What I'm looking forward to: The boys double birthday party is this coming weekend and I'm looking forward to all the excitement for them. Also, partly looking forward to getting it over with haha bc it's my last big thing I need to plan before the move.
All the kiddos shirts my super talented friend made:)
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