All kinds of madness has been happening this week. A lot of it to do with our new house. Short version is we've had a near perfect experience with building a house until now. Of course things pop up when we are about 2 weeks out from closing!
Hoping and praying soooo hard that the problems turn out to be minor ones and everything can still move forward....but until we get some 2nd opinions(and shell out the extra cash that requires) we are kind of just hanging by a thread it feels like. I hate the uncertainty, but trying to not to focus on that. Everything could still move ahead perfectly, so we just pray.....and wait for the professional's to tell us. I won't go into all the details because it would be too long/complicated, however, once I get some news good or bad I'll be updating.
Before all this started unfolding we had the boy's birthday party which went well! Plus, something I've been so excited about got accomplished....painting Lyla's nursery of course:)
My amazing in-laws did us a huge favor and came up to paint her room! We have had so much on our plate lately, so it was definitely a blessing that Mason didn't have to go spend a day painting her room himself. It turned out great and can't wait to see the carpet and everything else get in the room!
Picture doesn't show true color very well since it was taken with my there was no electricity in her room and shade outside the window. It's beautiful though!
On to the boys birthday party this past week, so here's the few pics I can post from Breyton and D's double birthday party!
This is the first year I didn't buy a cake, but made it myself. I chose to make it to save money because obviously you can't buy a cake already made for $5! Anyways, of course ended up being extra work and clean up on a already packed full day.....still glad I did it though and probably will make myself in future years. With 3 kiddos birthdays a year I know they will need to be low key and on a budget:)
Both boys had so much fun and in the end that's what its all about! Still hard to believe Breyton is 4!
Big smiles!
Blowing out his candles!
Party favors~ Dino eggs!
Pretty much all the other pictures have baby D in them, so I can't share them:( He will be one August 24th and that is so hard to believe as well. Time is always flying by!
And here is the boys being ornery in Walmart today. They both wanted to push the cart....and I wonder why any trip to the store takes up so much time! When your a mom just trying to get an errand accomplished sometimes they just have to win. Pick your battles, pick your battles I remind myself. The two of them were meant for each other though. It is always fun to watch them play together:) I hope they have a lifetime of rough housing and laughter in their future....I can't imagine their lives without each other! Love them both so much!
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