Not sure why I have been a slacker, but here I am almost 30 weeks and have not taken any chalkboard pics in a few weeks. Oh well! This is a random shot of my belly from my viewpoints I suppose lol.
Total Weight gain: 16lbs is the total currently.
Maternity Clothes: On occasion...mostly stretch regular clothes.
Stretch marks: no
Sleep: Still getting around 5-6 hours a night if I'm lucky. Between being woke up when mason comes home from work, having to pee, and baby D waking at 6 am that's about all I can manage!
Food cravings: Lots of fruit still, potatoes, and milk! ***So I came back to edit and add that it's pretty neat about the craving milk thing... I just read my 'all about week 29' thing and this is an excerpt: "...because babies bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day." Guess my body was telling me what it needed before I even knew:)
Symptoms: Mostly just a wiggly little girl in my tummy:) Though twice this week when we were in the car for over an hour I felt a little car sick-which never happens to me- so it must be pregnancy.
Best moment this week: Just feeling her move so often as a continuos reminder that she's doing good...feel very blessed!
Gender: Girl
Movement: She has the hiccups daily still...then one night I was watching her move in my belly and she kicked right where my belly button is making it pop out for a minute then it went back. Lol It was rather funny at the time:) Strange almost that my belly button hasn't fully popped out yet because I'm pretty sure it had with Breyton at this point.
What I miss: nothing really
What I'm looking forward to: They are painting the main inside of our house currently and I can't wait to see the finished product! This also means once they are done Mason can go paint Lyla's room within the next week or two:))
Breyton and I have been accomplishing more accent crafts for miss L at home this week:) Loving this 'pearlescent pink'!
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