Week 7
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a bluberry this week! Always been one of my most favorite foods:)
Weight gain: 0 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Nope
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: Sleeeppyyy. Doubt anything will change much in this category until baby D decides to start sleeping better....probably by then I will be getting into the uncomfortable stages of pregnancy where I can't sleep anyways! lol Oh well babies are worth it:)
Food cravings: My nausea comes and goes, but thankfully it's never too bad just makes it hard to find something that sounds good! What I've been craving lately seems to be sweets especially fruit! I did make a run to Eileen's Cookies the other day bc I couldn't get those off my mind for several days. Cheese and crackers have been on the list as well as chocolate milk!
Symptoms: Nausea and being tired are main thing this week.
Best moment this week: We got to see our baby on ultrasound middle of this week and it was awesome. I was trying to be calm while waiting at my appt, but after my past experiences I almost couldn't help being a bundle of nerves. When they finally turned on the u/s machine and we could almost immediately see the babies heart beating I can't explain the relief and joy that overcame me. Seemed surreal to have the dr saying everything looks good and babies heartbeat is strong...how long I have waited to hear those words! I just can't praise God enough for this answered prayer.
Gender: Obviously I still don't know. And obviously with 2 little boys already I would love to have a girl...but for some reason I keep thinking I'm gonna have another boy. Either way we will be thrilled. Three brothers running around my home sounds just fine to me as well:) I still want a daughter eventually if it's in God's will and believe it or not we are probably not done adding to our family after this baby. I think we are done having biological children, but we hope to possibly adopt again 1 more time down the road, so maybe I'll still have my daughter even if it's not this go around!
Movement: Not yet.
What I miss: I do miss coffee this week especially when one of the boys has me up at 5:50 for the day! I will probably enjoy the occasionally coffee once I'm out of the 1st trimester...I'm just a rule follower in pregnancy, so when they reccomend no caffeine then I listen.
What I'm looking forward to: We get to go for a follow up ultrasound in less than 2 weeks! They wanted me to come sooner just to make sure everything is still progressing normally and that baby is growing on track. I look forward to seeing my baby again already bc this may be my last one till 18-20 weeks bc I'm passing on the 'nuchal translucency' ultrasound screening they do around 12 weeks to screen for abnormalities such as Down syndrome.
Week 8:
Snapped a pic at my moms house after we drove down for a Sunday lunch. This is mostly a bump from eating a big meal lol..but soon it will be growing quickly!
Size of baby: raspberry!
Weight gain: 0 lbs..not for lack of eating! Lol taking care of two kids burns a lot of calories during the day though! I'm still wiped out at the end of each day...Need some 2nd trimester energy!
Maternity Clothes: Nope
Stretch marks: no
Sleep: 2 nights earlier this week baby D only woke 1 or 2 times at night... so I actually got about a 4-5 hr stretch of sleep! It was awesome! However he is now back to waking more often, so it was temporary, but ill take it:)
Food cravings: This week switched to some sour cravings- I've eatin 2 raw lemons- I always liked lemon squeezed in stuff, but have never had the desire to just eat them plain until now. Yum though! Also pickles still! Finished off another jar this week. Oh and kiwis.. I bought a big sack of those:)
Symptoms: Symptoms kind of faded this week..which was scary for me bc this is the week I lost both babies the past 2 times. I don't know if maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me bc the following week(9) my nausea and sore boobs were back! I read online that its not uncommon for symptoms to come and go though.
Best moment this week: the very end of this week we had our follow up u/s at 8 wks 6 days. Everything still looked great! My midwife just used a small portable ultrasound machine, so my pics aren't that clear, but baby was wiggling around and we could see the heart pumping strong.
Gender: ?
Movement: not yet
What I miss: I miss sleep currently.
Which is humorous bc it's going to be a looong time before there's much of that around here!
What I'm looking forward to: At the moment just enjoying today, but if course I can't wait to feel movement and find out boy/girl..so I can start looking out for nursery items!
Our little bean this past week!<3 data-blogger-escaped-br="">