Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Monthly progression pics and ramblings:)

I think I forgot to even post the last couple months 'progress' photo on the blog, so I'm just adding them now all together. I can't believe my baby went from such a tiny cuddly thing to running around with her brothers so quickly. 

I get so much indescribable joy watching them play together. Some of their interactions/convos are just too cute. Lyla's newest word is 'bubba' so now she's says three words: dada, momma, and bubba:) I may not be blessed with kiddos who like to sleep at all lol, but they get along so well and just play(and make messes) like crazy together. I'm truly thankful for that and hope they can continue to be best friends for many years! 

Lyla is quickly becoming a toddler and I can feel the baby days are almost gone for good. I'm cleaning out baby stuff and I'm not too sad about it-for now. After having two babies back to back I can happily let go of this 'season' for a bit:) We will have more children I know, but  just not biologically(unless God throws a big surprise in for us haha). 
Therefore, my baby days may be done depending on age of future foster/adoptive kiddos. We have recently changed our paperwork to start back with an older age range--for awhile at least! I will never say never on anything because God likes to mess with plans I make on my own of course!;)

It's crazy for me to think about Sean being the same age as Lyla is now when we brought home Lyla last year. It feels like he was older, but looking back he was just a baby himself! 

Anywho...that was just some random rambling haha. Here is the first year of watching my baby grow! If you can tell the last few months seem close to the same because she really didn't have a huge growth spurt in height or weight. She's still my tiny thing at 17lbs.

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