Sunday, September 7, 2014

Lyla~ 11 months old.

The last monthly post before the big 1 year!!! I have not taken your chair pic, but plan to tomorrow...just a few days late:)

• You haven't had your weight checked this past month, but would guess your around 17.5-18 lbs...still wear 6-9 months stuff and have itty bitty feet!

• You are a great eater! You have tried just about everything and love it all except cheese!!! Which is just crazy to me. That was(and still is) one of both your brothers favorite foods. You will not eat it by itself though...always spit it out. You have started eating it some on quesadillas, pizza, etc.

• Still nursing every 3 hours or so, but only for about 5 min. You nurse overnight about 2 times still as well. Probably will start having some milk in a cup this next month to practice a slow transition.

• Your favorite thing to do is to walk, walk, walk! Technically your still practicing to do it on your own, but you walk behind anything you can find to push all day. Standing on your own and have taken a step by yourself a few times. We joke that we should put a pedometer on you bc you walk up and down the hall 100 times a day haha! You are definitely my latest walker...but you'll be there soon enough:) You won't be as late as your mom was being 13-14 months before walking.

• Love baths still and giggle almost the whole time.

• Your top two teeth have now came through so you have 4 total. The ones on the side of the top two appear to be next!

• Sleep had improved at night earlier this month. For about 7-8 days you were only waking once or twice all night. The nights you woke once meant you were doing a 7/8 hr stretch. Which was awesome! Then the night before you turned 11 months you woke up 3 times again;(

• While nights had improved you naps declined quite a bit! This entire month you took 30-40 min naps twice a day and that was it. No matter what I tried you refused to sleep anymore. Surprisingly you are still happy, however, mommy has not been happy about the catnaps. This too shall pass.

• All in all you are learning new things everyday and usually are a joy to be around even if you don't sleep much!
Sometimes I just look at you and can't stand how cute you are. Ok all the time I think that. Your so adorable and sweet that it makes up for you trying to kill me with sleep deprivation. 

Daddy's girl!

Your becoming quite go up to daddy's xbox and look back, smile, then turn it on and off over and over.

Standing on her own earlier this month!

Just a little messy and tinted orange/red from spaghetti! 

Playing blocks with bubba's!

Last day at the pool for this summer:((

Trying on a dress to see how it her expression:)

Pushing the grocery cart around with a big smile!

Sean was keeping you company while pushing your carts arounds!

Happy girl!

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