Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

Started off celebrating Mother's Day on Saturday by seeing my moms side of the family whom I had not seen since Christmas pretty much! 

Lyla and Amelia with my parents! Love them all soo much!

My dad(papa) and Lyla!

Love having a great pic of the two of them together:)

I celebrated my actual Mother's Day with my three little blessings! Mason had to go to work that afternoon, but it was a beautiful day outside to play with the kids! 

Each and every day as a mom brings moments that make you want to go hide in a corner...and (thank God) each day brings moments that make your heart almost burst with joy.

My first Mother's Day with sweet Lyla here. 

My second Mother's Day in a row to gain a new blessing that calls me mom.

I do not take for granted this tremendous privilege!

This exact week of Mother's Day in 2012 was the week that we had our first miscarriage. Every year at the time of the anniversary...Mother's Day is just around the corner and it's a bittersweet reminder of our first angel baby.  I will never forget the pain I felt that Mother's Day with my womb empty and the wound so fresh. 

I praise God that I am able to hold 3 sweet babies of mine on this mothers day and look forward to the day that I will meet the other two in heaven. 
Taking time to remember the child that I only got to carry for 9 weeks combined with holding my child that came from someone else's womb can lead to such a mix of emotions this Mother's Day. 

I can only be grateful that D is my son and part of our family, but I know that came with such a loss for someone else. I know I've stated before, but I pray everyday that his birth mom will find our Savior bc he is the only one who can truly heal her brokenness and fill those empty places. All I can do is pray that wherever she is this Mother's Day she can feel His love. 

I will hug D a little tighter tonight and thank God for the peace we have this Mother's Day that D will forever be joining our family.

More pics of my sweet babies:

My baby girl and I on our first Mother's Day together:)

Then what on earth would I do without these two boys to keep me on my toes!!

Breyton filled out one of those 'all about mom' papers at his KDO class and just melted my heart. At the end he was asked what makes your mom special and he answered, "Because God made her!". Those are the moments that you see glimpses that what your teaching is sticking and makes it all worth it.

Oh and just for fun a pic of us all last year when Lyla was in my belly:)

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