In here nursing Lyla asleep and had a moment, so thought I'd share some pics from this past week.
Lyla had her first few bites of 'solid food' this week!! Her actual first taste was of a fresh avacodo that I was mashing up for gaucomoly. Then she's had some baby oatmeal a couple different times. She has really loved it! I think she has enjoyed her first tries even more than her brothers did as babies! She gobbled up every bite I gave her and didn't even make a sour face:)
Here is big brother helping feed her one night. He loooves to help with Lyla and was proud to feed her. Can you tell she has an audience for everything!?
Yum yum!
This is the longest I've waited to introduce solids with any of my I've sadly learned that at least in my case it never seems to help them sleep longer:/ Though I was hopeful it would be different for Lyla and she would magically sleep a longer such luck lol!
Still a fun milestone though:)
First group tummy time haha.
This one cracks me up. Lyla's face in the middle of those two onery boys hehe.
First time in her exersaucer! Really loved the one day of beautiful weather we had that week! Looking forward to many more days outside!!
First family trip to the zoo!! Lyla's first time of course. We took D when he was a baby, so it was his first time to really enjoy it:)
She really enjoyed herself! Not old enough to care about the animals, but loved being outdoors and watching her crazy brothers run around!
My little monkeys with their daddy!!
Checking out the big sleeping bear! These two boys had sooo much fun the whole time. D was just amazed by the animals!
Watching some mountain lions!
D's favorite was probably the sea otters or the fish..he loves 'fishy's!!'.
The boys both loved watching the gorillas eat their dinner. There was an adorable baby gorilla there as well.
All the animals were out that day due to the perfect weather!! Not too hot or cold:)
All in all a very fun family day! Lyla is gonna be 5 months old in a few days and that is hard to wrap my head around! Can't believe how fast my little ones are growing up and I love experiencing all these 'firsts' with my babies!
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