Already made it to your half birthday:) I have a feeling this second half is going to fly by even faster:/
Months 1-6....
Tid bits from the past month:
•First signs of separation anxiety/stranger danger are showing up! You've cried a few times or done your pout lip when someone new tries to hold you.
•Always chewing on something! No signs of teeth coming through yet.
• You really enjoy eating solids! You've had bananas, carrots, peas, oatmeal, cream of wheat, avacodo, squash, a taste of a fresh orange and your favorite- sweet potatoes. Nursing every 2.5-3hrs.
• Currently weigh 14.5 lbs!
• You are gonna be my lazy baby I think lol. You can roll over pretty easily when you want to...but you don't have much interest in rolling around. (Very different from your brothers at this age..which is a nice change:)
•You prefer to sit up and watch what's going on! Therefore you are doing well at sitting! Still need someone(or a pillow) around you incase you lose you balance, but can last awhile by yourself.
•Sleep has finally had some small improvements! Still far from sleeping through the night haha. Instead of every 2 hrs you are waking every 3-4hrs..and a few times this month you made it 5-6 hrs again for one stretch! Your daddy has not let me move you to your room!! Lol He says he looks forward to coming home in the middle of the night and hearing your snores or little noises while he gets in to bed. He just thinks your safer in our officially need to be moved to your crib though; so we will see:)
• Taking one longer nap in the afternoon and usually 2 short ones (one in morning and one early evening). Yesterday you took a 3hr nap!! Wish I could have been!
•Hair and eyes have slowed down with changing. Which is right on track-usually by 6 months eyes have settled in to their more permanent color. Still lighter brown hair and eyes in between changing from dark blue to green/hazel.
More random pics from the past month!
Jut love watching my sleeping beauty!
Enjoying a beautiful day outside and had her first small taste of an orange:) She loved sucking the juice out and cried a bit when I took it away.
Just love watching a sleeping baby! She always looks so beautiful and peaceful.
My happy girl!
Breyton and Lyla-both about 5-6 months old! They definitely resemble each other! As mom I can see some definite differences as well:)
She would smile every time daddy gave her a kiss!
Wearing big brothers black T-shirt as a little black dress! Three kids who shared one shirt= Hand me downs at their finest!
Just enjoying some afternoon cuddles!
All wrapped up in love<3
All pretty in pink!
Cousins Amelia and Lyla hanging out with their Meems! These girls our growing up too fast!
Holding the first 'flower' she has received from her brother of course!