A post catching up on random fall time happenings!
This is our first Autumn in our new home and we are loving watching the leaves change around us! The best moments are spent sitting on the porch watching leaves falling like rain all around.

We also have a momma and baby deer that hang around almost every morning. We've been lucky enough to watch them from the back porch on several occasions.
Looking up at all the colorful leaves and clouds going by one perfect afternoon!
Trunk or treat at our church!
Little alligator.
Lyla getting ready to watch her big brothers trick or treat:)
Sweet babies!
Officially the first time Lyla slept in her crib...so I took a picture:) No I don't mean at night it will be awhile before that happens...but she napped for about an hour there!
My precious girl!
Love these two! Doing dishes together and making memories:)
Baby girl chillin outside while the boys played!
First trip to get ice cream! Though she just had to watch us eat:)
With uncle Kyle! He is a baby hog when he is around!
My sis in law holding Lyla therefore she is 'sitting' on her cousin Ameila who was still hanging out in the womb:) ~As I write this Brittany is in the hospital in labor! I can't wait to meet my beautiful new niece and Lyla's future best friend!
Beautiful sea shell chandelier Lyla's Grammy got her in North Carolina this past week! Perfect addition to her room!
Little stud.
Life is so crazy busy right now, but trying to take it all in! Surviving on very little sleep or rest, but getting by and functioning somewhat. I have run out of gas in the middle of a busy street and got lost driving somewhere I've previously been....but hey give me a break:) Also, I will have to come to terms with fact that I'm now a 'late person'. Even though it used to be my pet peeve. There is a rule that you get a 15 minute allowance per child, so just expect me to be 45 minutes late from here on out....well at least until some of these little people start wiping their own butts or getting themselves ready haha! Three is the official number where you have more children than you do arms and it can be overwhelming sometimes. Just taking it day by day and things have been going pretty smoothly for the most part! It's a little easier to keep in perspective and cherish the newborn stage when right before your eyes your first born is running around, dressing himself, writing his own name, telling you animal facts you didn't know yourself, buckling his own carseat....and you swear just yesterday he was placed in your arms....all you did was blink and he'll be starting school. I now know firsthand how fast it truly goes! Trying to store away her newborn smell, precious faces, tiny clothes, and all the little squeaks and grunts. Because before I know it I will blink again......
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