Saturday, June 1, 2013

Pregnancy tracker: Week 20

Halfway point!!! Though probably past halfway if she is a little early like her brother was.

Size of baby: girl is about 10 inches long!

Total Weight gain: 7.5-8lbs 

Maternity Clothes: still wear the few I have on occasion!

Stretch marks: no

Sleep: Pregnancy is not keeping me awake really....though I do find it hard not to sleep on my back(not recommend 2nd trimester and beyond). I wake up on my back often, so I've been trying to be more aware of it! Baby D has good nights and bad nights, so just depends with him.

Food cravings: Fruit still. Pretty much same as last week..potatoes in any form, cereal, and sweets.

Symptoms: Feeling pretty good. Made it to the gym 2 times this week which is probably the most I have any week lol. With Breyton I worked out at least 4 times a week...but now having two kids nobody has time for that:) Those two boys keep me active though.

Best moment this week: Our 20 week anatomy scan! So amazing to watch her moving around on ultrasound...just love her too much already!

Gender: anatomy scan confirmed yet again...Girl!

Movement: Lots of movement
this week of course....Becomes more frequent and stronger each week!

What I miss: I suppose sleeping on my back a tiny bit...but that's about it!

What I'm looking forward to: I'm hoping time goes kind of slow now...I'm past the halfway point and feel like this pregnancy is going too fast! Weeks 20-30 are probably my favorite--lots of movement, look obviously pregnant, have energy, and not in the uncomfortable stages yet! 

Pics from week 20:

Hubby, baby girl, and I at his Battle of The Brave baseball game...between Edmond PD and Fire Dept.

Ultrasound pics from 20.5 weeks. Our sweet daughter was curled up in a tight ball the whole time. She had her knees by her nose and feet above her head. Not sure how that could be in any way comfortable, but she seemed to be snug. U/s tech tried to get her to change positions, but she would even roll around staying curled up. Everything looked great though! Very blessed.
She would cross her ankles by her feet like a little lady at times. Then her hands she moved around a lot..mostly keeping them behind her head though!

Here is her little feet!

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