Saturday, February 2, 2013

Things to remember-January

Whew, finally sitting down and taking a break from wiping bottoms, cleaning up spilt milk, and in between constantly photographing sweet moments of B and D's first month becoming brothers. I can't imagine my life without Breyton....and now D as well. (To clarify D will be a foster placement for now not to confuse anyone into thinking we are for sure getting to adopt him.)

They seriously about wipe me out by the end of every day, but I wouldn't want to spend my time doing anything else. As me and the boys went through another day I realized my life is more chaotic, messy, and busy than ever before, yet I feel more at peace and fulfilled than any other time in my life. I just know I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. It's all worth it.

Breyton has been so amazingly funny, sweet, and crazy this past month that I forgot to write down all the things he said and did that had me laughing or crying.

So as usual here's a few moments That make up January with Breyton (and D):

1) The very first time Breyton met D it was truly priceless. For sake of the story I should clarify that 'D' is african american:) Anyways Breyton was so happy to bring him home with us and immediately went over to D and started singing to him, "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, black and white!"

This was totally unprompted and honestly maybe it was just a God thing he mentioned black and white because he has never since seemed to notice their difference in skin color.(Though i know as he gets older he will of course) I can just cry thinking about the significance of this moment to me-for 2 days prior to meeting D we had some people disagree or express concern with interracial adoption that left me uncomfortable and kind of questioning Gods leading...that moment God used the sweet innocence of a 3 yr old as one of His many ways to confirm to me that this was indeed right.

2) Whatever week it sort of snowed Breyton was very excited that he might get to play in as it started falling from the sky B told me "Momma say 'dear God' again and tell him thank you for sending us snow!"

3) I bought a new kind of juice the beginning of the month and I had to love Breyton's reaction as he first tried it he said, "This is terrible! You should take this juice back to the grocery store. Really terrible!!!"

4) I shared this on FB, but it will be a moment I never want to forget:)
B always wipes off kisses- one night as I tucked him in I kissed him on the cheek..he patted wipe the spotsaying, "Momma, I glued that kiss on."

5) One of Breyton's favorite phrases this month is "Are you just kidding?". He says it all the time especially when we talk about bedtime or when he's in trouble he'll ask "Are you just kidding??"!

6) Baby D has had bronchitis and has been stopped up with a cough so the other night as we were driving somewhere D coughed and I looked back as Breyton held his hands together saying, "Dear God help 'D' get better."

Things like that make my heart soo happy!!

7) B is still in the long phase of repeating things we say(probably will be till he's 18) so sometimes it's pretty sweet or funny..but lately he's all about getting us in 'trouble'. If we don't come when he asks as quickly as he'd like he will yell at you "Your gonna be in big trouble! Come over here or your gonna get a spankin or I'm gonna put you in time out!" He also yells this at us when he is in time out..not funny then. I promise I'm not a mean mom who yells this often lol, but you know kids love to repeat most the things we don't want them to!

8) Breyton told me he was going to snuggle D and asked if I liked to snuggle .. Of course I said yes! He was sitting on his bed at the time and went on to say, "Ok, come on then! Come over to my snuggle house!"

I of course have so many photos of B and D, but I can not share them if they show his face to respect privacy. I love this photo below because of what happened during the moment I took it. The boys were having 'tummy time' together in the floor and I told Breyton it was time for D to get ready to nap....Breyton protested saying, "No! You can't take him! He's my best friend, I need my best friend!" Doesn't get much better than that:o) (and yes 'D' has a ton of beautifully crazy hair!)

Breyton actually asked me to take his picture the other morning so the next 3 photos are of his adorable poses he gave me<3

Daddy and B fighting over the last bites of ice cream:)

Mommy and B

Obviously I'm leaving out a big thing for January which was our trip to Cancun that will need a whole separate post that will follow...eventually:)

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, love this post! You so inspire me to cherish every moment as a mother, so thank you! I can't wait to see these two brothers together in person. It's so cool to think how God specifically planned for them to be brothers- such a gift for each of them. I just know they will continue to be best friends! I'm so excited for you!
