Sunday, March 4, 2012

Things to remember-February

February was such a great month! Feb 2nd is Breyton's 'half' birthday, so he is officially over half way done with the terrific twos! Feb 12th was the 5 year anniversary of when Mason proposed to me....which reminded me we are overdue for a hiking trip back to the mountains where he popped the question, soooo need to plan that for sometime this year!

Breyton continues to grow and change so much each month its amazing to watch all that he learns and sometimes scary to see habits he picks up from watching us! The true test of keeping watch over your actions and words is having a 2 year old with you 24/7 who has a great memory! lol So thankful we don't have too awful of habits haha.

Some of all the awesomeness from 2-12 to remember:

1) Our Tulsa trip is at the top of the list! B still takes his souvenir shark to bed with him and plays with it all the time! He loves to say "Shark attack!" and "Shark coming!".

2)Another one of B's favorite new phrases is "Save me!". He loves playing pretend and usually it involves some animal attacking, so he always yells for me or dad to 'save him'....and its really cute when he occasionally pretends to save us instead, he will yell "I'm coming!" to rescue us.

3)The beginning of the month he watched ALL the 'Land Before Time' movies on Netflix. This really peaked his interest in dinosaurs lol....he would go around the house pretending to eat and chomp on the few house plants we have.

4) The way B says dinosaur is probably the funniest thing ever and I hope I never forgot his little voice saying it so wrong=) Not sure how one would spell how he says it, but "dinoswaaurdesss' is my attempt!

5) A habit B picked up from me is saying 'dadgummit' when he accidentally does something. Not a bad word, but it doesn't sound as innocent coming from a 2 year old's mouth!

6)Another great thing that happened in Feb was that we got Breyton back on track at bedtime. He was dragging it out for like 2 we happily have him back to going to bed on his own and falling asleep much faster which makes evening much more enjoyable!

7) Breyton also went bowling for the first time this month and he really liked it!

8) Started planning our garden and planted seeds inside to transplant soon.....we are also changing up the flower bed in front of the house, so between the two Breyton had fun playing in a LOT of dirt this month!

Now springtime is here, excited for March especially Masons spring break he gets from school!

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