Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Father and son

I love when Mason and Breyton get to have quality father/son time! Its great for the two of them to bond and gives me a little time to get things done or have some quiet time to myself. Mason has always been a great father and I'm very thankful for that, but over past few weeks Breyton went through a major phase were he only wanted mama. It was bad.
For some unknown reason only I could do EVERYTHING....he didn't want Mason helping with baths, with getting dressed, with any snacks/food, washing hands, going to the potty, reading books, bedtime, I could go on and on. He always said "no, mama do it!" and had screaming fit if Mason did. Thankfully....very thankfully this only lasted about two weeks because it was rather draining! The hardest part was bedtime because that's Mason's main 'task' :). I gave in and did it a few nights because you would have thought it was the end of the world to Breyton for dad to put him to bed for a couple nights.....then as suddenly as this phase started it ended for no known reason.
According to my very brief  'research' I suppose it can be a pretty normal thing for some toddlers to go through so I guess it was just a short lived phase.Things are back to normal and Breyton happily lets daddy help do most things as was before. Mason is more glad its over than me I think because it sort of hurt his feelings when Breyton made such a big deal over it all!
Breyton is actually back to preferring 'play time' with Mason because after all he's the more fun parent lol. Here's Mason trying to teach Breyton how to play football....B was all about the tackling and stealing the football!

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