Its hard to keep up with all the new words and phrases B learns each week. The new phrase I repeatedly hear all day is "don want it' aka don't want it. Or also popular is 'I need ---' fill in the blank. Right now with its newness its pretty cute when he says these things, but I'll see how long that lasts!
Monday in the grocery store checkout he spots the gum section and says over and over "I need num, I need num!"(gum)...we ended up buying another pack of gum because this one just wasn't worth the fight.=D
Back to the 'don want it'....this phrase is used all day for just about anything whether it be food I offered him, show on tv, toys, etc. When he's done with anything he hands it to me with a 'don want it'.
I was thinking today when B was saying he NEEDED something that he couldn't have how similar it is when we ask our heavenly Father for something we 'think' we NEED. As a parent I really just want the best for B and even though it makes him unhappy quite often I say 'no' a lot.
But, truthfully its not about what makes our children happy in the moment its about whats best for them in the big picture. There's been a lot of trials I've been handed where I just want to say 'dont want it! I'm done, let's try something else God" because it's just not what I've had planned. Been having plenty of moments with God lately wondering why certain things are happening in my own life, with close family, and in close friends lives....kind of wanting to have my own temper tantrum that its just not fair!!! Just like I cant explain to my two year old why he has to take a nap or cant have more candy....I cant understand God's ways because my view is too limited of the big picture and frankly his ways are higher than my ways. Thankfully I have a glimpse of Christ's love for me by knowing just how much I love B, so I know without a doubt even when it hurts that God just truly wants the best for me, his child. I've learned that being a Christian doesn't make bad things not happen, but he does promise a peace that surpasses all understanding and God's highest concern isn't that I'm happy, but that I'm holy. I just need to stay focused on the prince of peace and realize any small trials I'm faced with are to shape me into who He made me to be. I love this quote, "When we see God for who he is, we see our problems for what they are. Small God – big problems. Big God – small problems."
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