Monday, August 31, 2015

Updates on the Long crew:)

^^My crew that mostly insists on dressing themselves. Breyton insists on wearing that shirt that is two sizes too big! It may mysteriously disappear soon;)

We've been having plenty of changes around here, so I figured it was time to write a little;)

 Starting with adding miss A to our family a little over a month ago. We are finally takes some time for any big change to feel like the new 'normal'. She will be our first long term placement (that will leave eventually to clarify;), so we've been trying to settle in for the long haul! Really things have been going as smoothly as one could's of course always a 'disruption' of the whole family dynamic to add in a new member, but the kids adjust so quickly! It usually takes me the longest lol. Miss A is very sweet and for the most part a typical 4 yr old girl- the good and the whiny included. 
One thing is for sure she will eat anything. She mixed pickle juiced with milk one day and drank it( yuck!!). Then the pic below is from another day when she came up while I was chopping up onions for dinner prep and started munching on raw onion..saying, "Mmm this is yummy!".

Then Breyton started a full day of school last month. That has gone much smoother than I anticipated for both he and I! Oddly enough after he started school I haven't cried once. Not even a tiny bit! I'm surprised by this honestly haha. I really figured I might tear up a bit for at least the first few days. I did cry the night before and somewhat the morning of while getting ready to take him...after that though I've been good:) It is still strange that he is not with us when running errands or doing a fun kid outing, so that part is something I still need to get used to! I will call his name when picking up the kids at the Y or have a slight moment of panic thinking I'm a child short when getting everyone in the car. I do think my days are still so busy with three other little ones that the time flies by for the most part. Plus, he is loving it so that helps!! He looks forward to going everyday thus far and hasn't put up a fight yet. I hope this attitude towards school sticks around for awhile!:) 
Yesterday he and I had dentist appts though, so I got a babysitter and picked him up from school early then we got to enjoy an ice cream date just the two of us! It was so nice to get to just have a conversation with him without so many interruptions. Breyton has had to share his momma with many others, so he has definitely earned a much needed mommy/son date. I look forward to doing them more often with each of my kiddos as they grow!!

Sean just turned three and though he is by far my most laid back child the 'threes' have hit! So far with Breyton and Sean the threes are way worse than twos!! Of course this time around I will have a two and three year old...and then when Sean outgrows the threes it will be Lyla's turn:( Oh the joys having having kiddos back to back! Ha  Next month we will officially have a 2,3, 4 and 6 yr old in our house- which seems crazy to me! 

Despite the ever developing opinions/attitude that come with 3 yr olds Sean is an incredible little guy.  He always amazes me with how quickly he picks things up and his love for music is so fun. He quickly memorizes songs(and eagerly learns his bible verse for awanas) and loves to dance! He can sing along with klove all day long. So unlike Breyton who is not a fan of music or dancing really at all lol. It's so interesting to see how different each child is! Love this little man!

Then miss Lyla Grace has been up to all kinds of trouble and some sweetness;) She has become quite the talker and we all love to hear the funny things she says. She is still the most smiliest little thing and everyone comments on her smile when  she flashes them one when we are out and about....but she is pure ornery behind all that. She loves to boss her brothers around! I think she knows she's the princess and the baby of the family. It doesn't help that her daddy just can't seem to get her in trouble, sigh. In other annoying news she has also been twirling her hair and breaking it off:(. The front of her hair has actually gotten shorter over the past few months due to this! And much blonder... As you can tell here:

A few months ago...
And now...

Of course my first daughter would have to pick up this habit. Oh well, I have to assume she will outgrow this habit or I can at least communicate with her the problem down the road, so maybe she will twirl it more gently! Her hair has also been becoming curlier..Breyton and I both have stick straight hair, so I did not expect the little bit of curls she has going! No clue if the will stick around, but we will see!

It's been so long since I wrote any thing and I do have a lot more deeper subjects on my heart that I haven't had the chance to put into writing, so I may be back very soon;) I'm glad to write some quick updates on the kiddos though because I do love to look back and see all the seasons we've made it through! Having a almost 2 and 3 year old is much easier than the when we had a newborn and 1 year old at the same time! I love the new season we are moving into because I am thankfully ready to be done with the 'baby' season. I'll leave you with this quote I'm posting below and it so adequately sums up how I feel about motherhood! Thank The Lord we are exiting the almost dying of sleep deprivation stage lol!