Sunday, March 1, 2015

What Lyla is up to these days and random pics of kiddos:)

I decided to blog some random updates now that Lyla is approaching the 1 1/2 year mark! (She is currently 16.5 months:) Hard to believe it's been over 4 months since her 1st birthday and my monthly updates ceased.

I do love love this age! She is learning so much and keeps us laughing most of the time. In my household it's proving to be true that boys advance more quickly physically than they do with their vocabulary and vice versa for Lyla. My boys were walking early and running/climbing shortly after while Lyla didn't start walking till a couple of weeks after her first birthday. However, I don't remember the boys being able to say so many words and communicate as well as Lyla at this age--It's a tad harder to say with Sean bc when he was Lyla's age I was sleep deprived from having a newborn as well, so I didn't write very much down;)

Anyways here is what Lyla is up to currently:

• FINALLY sleeping through the night consistently as of 2.5 weeks ago(only done it about 5 times before this)! I didn't have to do anything to make this finally happen she just slept through one night and has been ever since. It was interesting, and tiring haha, to see how long it would take for her to reach this on her own. It feels GOOD though!!!

•She is currently weighing 19.5lbs(2nd percentile),not sure on height, size 12 months clothes, and size 2/3 shoe.

• Even though she is tiny she loves food, so her first sentence would have to do with asking for food- she is constantly saying "I want some" and "I want more". She is not too picky about food (unlike Breyton thankfully), but does not like reg milk still. I just try to get some calcium in other ways when possible.(Officially weaned her when I was gone on my trip last month-so I'm totally free! The bitter-sweetness has left and now it's just

•Words she can say: Hi, bye-bye, night-night, drink(dink), daddy, mommy, bubba,  I want some, more, please, thank you, stop, nan-na(banana), ball, doggy, ruff-ruff, fishie, 'what's that?', nose(noe), eye, mouth, ear, outside, tree, shoe, sock, baby, sunshine(when trying to sing along to 'your are my sunshine'), and no(of course;). 

• Favorite things currently: saying 'hi' to everyone she sees whether in person or cars driving by, carrying around a baby doll, peek-a-boo/hiding, playing ball, reading/looking at books, and dancing to music, and most of all anything to do with being outside!

Random pics:

At church playing outside-
Being silly with bubba

He can always make her laugh.

Watching it snow! Yes, her shirt is on backwards because Mason grabbed a pj shirt and put it on while Lyla was trying to run away;) She avoids bedtime if at all possible. 

Waiving hi to the mirror:)

Carrying around one of her favorite baby dolls-

I knew they were being a little too quiet..Lyla is almost always pulling out wipes or unrolling toilet paper if she's quiet;)

Lyla being ornery and climbing up on the table to eat. She thought this was a fun game for a few weeks..thankfully she has finally quit doing it!

One of her many pout faces. She's not a fan of being told 'no'.

A sweet moment between these two! Breyton was singing/patting her and she just laid still:)

The boys playing a race car video game that they are obsessed with since the snow days came. I'm having to seriously limit time with this bc B asks to play way too much! I do love watching B's face when he plays- always so much focus and excitement. Haha
Helping momma cook:)

Trying to talk me out of cleaning out toys/stuffed animals to give away. This kid is a hoarder. Finally parted with some stuff--we are trying to do the challenge of donating a trash bag of stuff once a month for a whole year! Plus, we really need less clutter to clear out a closet for future foster kiddos.

Fun in the snow!

Just happy to be outside!

The boys after I took them swimming up at the Y.

Enjoying some snuggles with this kiddo while the other two nap. I have to take what I can get these days(he is more affectionate out of nowhere lately, but not actually still too often for cuddles lol).....impossible to believe that he will be SIX this summer;(