Monday, June 9, 2014

Lyla~8 months old

 Eight months old today!!! Time sure isn't slowing down:( 
Even though this is our 3rd time around it's always amazing to watch how fast you learn and grow! You truly bring so much joy to each of our lives! Even D gets so excited to see you when you wake up! He yells, "Lyla, Lyla!!" You two love to play games where you rollover together and both laugh histerically! 
Then Breyton loves to be your protector...he is the first to let me know if he thinks your in danger and makes sure you don't get into anything your not supposed to. Both boys love to entertain and spoil you! They are always bringing you toys and doting on you. Your daddy is completely wrapped around your finger of course. We truly are blessed and thank God everyday for you.

Tid bits from the past month:

• You are pretty much always smiling!! You are a way happier/laid back baby than B was lol...about tied with D haha.

• You love to laugh at your brothers antics and are joining in on making them laugh back now. 
(Pic of Breyton doing a puppet show for you! You loved it:)

• You have very ticklish armpits and feet:)

•NO teeth still! Breyton was 10 months before his first came I'm just thankful for late teethers! No real biting mommy yet:)

•You really enjoy eating solids! You've had all kinds of things by now and I haven't really found anything you just refuse to eat. We were mostly doing one meal a day until this past week I've been consistently feeding you solids twice a day now. You love teething biscuits as a snack!

•You nurse every 3 hours and still refuse bottles pretty much. You have had 1 bottle in the past several months. It hasn't really been a problem though. If I have to leave I plan it right after you eat and now that you can eat solids then they can feed you that if needed.

•Mobility: You have really started to become mobile now, so I have to be real careful where I leave you and what toys the boys leave laying around! Still just army crawling more and more plus rolling around lots. You get up on all fours lots to rock back and forth and will push up on your tippy a push up position lol.

•Sleep: There has been some steps forward and steps back lol. You were miraculously doing awesome for a couple nights and sleeping 5-6 hr stretch and one night went 7 hrs! However, this week we are back to 3.5-4hr stretches mostly. Oh well, I'll take what I can get!

•Naps: most days take 3 naps will take a short one in the morning bc we are usually out and about and then 1 longer one in the afternoon when we are home. Then depending on afternoon nap you still need a 30min cat nap in the evening. We will have to drop that later this month bc bedtime has gotten pushed back pretty late to 9:30ish. Which I don't mind too much for now!

•Each month you change so much and actually look less and less like Breyton did as a baby! Your hair has stayed the same color lately and eyes as well. 

Trying to steal bubba's ball at tball practice early this month. 

Hanging out by the pool! You love it.

At your check up:) You loved the noisy paper!
At daddy's Battle of the Brave baseball game!

Kisses from bubba.

All snuggles up. You love having your back scratched:)