Friday, September 7, 2012

Random pics from this week!

My little chef helping mommy make meatloaf for dinner!

So Wednesday was 'fall" cleaning day.....Breyton and I pulled everything out of his closet and sorted outgrown clothes in boxes by size. This is part of the mess created to be able to organize it all back:) There was several other boxes of clothes we had already moved out.

...but ended up with a fairly clean closet organized by short sleeve, long sleeve, shorts, pants, jackets, coats, so on. Hopefully I keep it this way because everything is easy to find now. So many clothes for one little boy!

Nap time in the sleeping bag! He was pretending to be camping:)

The boys chillin in the make shift fort in the garage. Good times!

Oh and dinner at Pops.....out by the big pop bottle trying to climb of course!

Ignoring mom trying to take a pic before 'school'.

Cool kids drink their chocolate milk and have the one shoulder back pack.
 And my sweet boy playing in his teepee....(apparently hiding from alligators he says!)

               Thankful for every week I have with this crazy little boy!