Thanksgiving has already come and gone now the Christmas rush has begun and sadly it will be over too quickly as well! We enjoyed stuffing ourselves with delicious food and getting to see family we don't see often. Breyton is really the only young kid on either side of the family(besides miss Brooklynn now), so he's used to stealing the show! A room with him in it is never lacking entertainment.
Some of my favorite things for November:
1) All the new words! He can say just about anything he wants to now!
2) He loves blankets now and will tell you he's cold all the time and wants a "banket".
3) He loves being able to use the words 'big' and 'little'. Particular when it comes to juice or dessert....Ill say "oh, you can have a little bit" and he says, "no, want BIG".
4) I have a whole other post about it, but can't leave out how his sweet side has really started to emerge this month.
5)Still plenty bossy and plenty of attitude though too. He has actually slammed a few doors in my face when I've upset him.....(already!? I know...long road ahead.)
6) He has showed lately that some of the stuff I've been teaching him has been sinking in....surprised me by counting to 7 the other day.
7)Another word he now loves is 'fast'. He always tells us "wanna go fast" ALL the time....whether its driving down the road, rocking in his chair, playing chase, etc. he likes fast!!
8)Other new phrase he loves is "follow me" and its pretty cute when he asks you to.
9) Requests me to sing 'You are my sunshine' or 'This little light of mine'.
10) His favorite activity right now is playing in the 'spice cabinet'...I think he may be a chef one day:)
I was thinking today (when writing about another month already being over) how crazy unbelievably fast this year has gone and sometimes it makes me sad to see how quickly time is passing by.....but then theres so much God has in store for the future....I really am so thankful to have everyday with our son.
You think its not possible, that you already love someone to the fullest capacity, but it really is grow to love your child more and more with each passing day. No matter the ups or downs I wouldn't trade Breyton for the world.