Monday, December 26, 2011

Merrry Christmas*2011

I'm a little sad writing this the morning after Christmas....I can't believe its already over! This season went way too fast and I'm not ready to take down the tree or decor and for Christmas music to stop being on the radio! Breyton had the best time over the weekend though. He has always been a people person and loves all the attention he gets at gatherings. Breyton is the only little kid on either side as I have mentioned before, so he is THE entertainment at family get togethers. I will say that child is never lacking on energy or craziness! He can go ALL day.... and Saturday he did....he didn't nap once and was up far past his bedtime still running around laughing and being silly. Thankfully Christmas day he did fit in a short nap, however he was up till almost midnight which has never happened before, but with the business and excitement of the day it was to be expected. Each year gets better and better with Breyton at Christmas because he understands more and gets really excited! B got plenty of presents and was really into opening them this year and loved everything he got. I got a few priceless videos that will be so fun to look back on some day of him opening stuff and the facial expressions he made!
This year was also very special because it was our first Christmas to have miss Brooklynn! Breyton really loves his cousin and talks about "Brook-en" a lot. She is a very sweet and special baby to our family and with her hard beginning it really is an answer to prayer that she was here with us to celebrate this holiday! We all love her so much and cant wait to watch my niece grow because she is already such a beautiful baby girl who is proof God does miracles everyday.
As much as we enjoy watching them get gifts we always want Jesus to be the center of our Christmas. Even though Breyton is still young we started doing small things to make sure he grows up knowing the real 'reason of the season'. I look forward to many things for future years to come....but this year we mostly cherished Breyton being a little boy still and how he gets excited about all the little things! And of course getting to spend time with all our family eating good food. This Christmas will definitely be a special memory and we are truly so blessed to have Breyton and Brooklynn in our lives!

I don't have all the favorite pics uploaded to the computer yet, but here's a few from Christmas day:

Breyton's new teepee!

Christmas morning opening presents!

Christmas morning

New tractor and trailer

Brooklynn trying to tear into her present

Opening presents at Grammy and Gramps house!

Only family pic and Breyton is chewing candy in it! lol

Cute outfit Breyton got from his Uncle Matt and Aunt Vanessa

Decorating the Christmas tree!

I'm behind on writing posts, so this one is definitely late! We have had the tree up since the Saturday after Thanksgiving which is the latest we've ever put it up. This year was a lot of fun because Breyton really understood the concept better and helped put everything on with such excitement! He loved pulling out all the ornaments he'd never seen and was very excited about the lights. He asks in the mornings to 'turn on the tree'. The first few days he couldn't leave it alone and pulled off all the ornaments he could reach and we did have an incident where the tree got completely knocked over! However since then he has let it be and loves to copy mom and call it a 'pretty tree'!

His favorite ornament..a police german shepherd

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Potty Training SUCCESS!

Well its been a long time coming, so I'm relieved to say Breyton is out of diapers! I always said I would TRY to potty train early for many reasons and tried about 6 months back, but B just wasn't ready yet, so we took a break and waited little awhile and this time was really quick!
 I chose to do the "3 day naked method' which I will definitely be using in the future....basically you stop diapers cold turkey and don't go back to them. You let the child be naked from the waste down OR in our case I just let him wear loose fitting pants. This way they know immediately when they have an accident and can learn how to tell before they go. First day or two are rough learning experience, but day 3 and 4 have been a complete turn around! We had our fair share of accidents to clean up day 1 and 2 and was expecting to have few for the first week....proud to say we had had ZERO yesterday or today, no close calls either, even with going out looking at Christmas lights and lots of other distractions! I didn't even have to ask him he would come tell us. This started morning of day 3 when he started telling me every time he had to go and held it till we got to the potty. He is so excited and proud of himself too and claps saying "yeah buddy!" when he's done. Anyways its funny how exciting these things become when its your own child, but we are happy to have this big step complete....well as complete as it can be.... I'm sure there will be a few accidents in the future, since this is a learning process, but I'm amazed how quick he picked it up! Mostly I'm just proud of him, but realized while I watched him sleep last night that I was a little tinsy bit that he's in his big boy bed and out of diapers he is not at all like a baby anymore! Guess this day was inevitable and really is a good thing, so Mason says I need to quite being a emotional baby! lol

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Things to remember-November...

Thanksgiving has already come and gone now the Christmas rush has begun and sadly it will be over too quickly as well! We enjoyed stuffing ourselves with delicious food and getting to see family we don't see often. Breyton is really the only young kid on either side of the family(besides miss Brooklynn now), so he's used to stealing the show! A room with him in it is never lacking entertainment.

Some of my favorite things for November:
1) All the new words! He can say just about anything he wants to now!
2) He loves blankets now and will tell you he's cold all the time and wants a "banket".
3) He loves being able to use the words 'big' and 'little'. Particular when it comes to juice or dessert....Ill say "oh, you can have a little bit" and he says, "no, want BIG".
4) I have a whole other post about it, but can't leave out how his sweet side has really started to  emerge this month.
5)Still plenty bossy and plenty of attitude though too. He has actually slammed a few doors in my face when I've upset him.....(already!? I know...long road ahead.)
6) He has showed lately that some of the stuff I've been teaching him has been sinking in....surprised me by counting to 7 the other day.
7)Another word he now loves is 'fast'. He always tells us "wanna go fast" ALL the time....whether its driving down the road, rocking in his chair, playing chase, etc. he likes fast!!
8)Other new phrase he loves is "follow me" and its pretty cute when he asks you to.
9) Requests me to sing 'You are my sunshine' or 'This little light of mine'.
10) His favorite activity right now is playing in the 'spice cabinet'...I think he may be a chef one day:)

I was thinking today (when writing about another month already being over) how crazy unbelievably fast this year has gone and sometimes it makes me sad to see how quickly time is passing by.....but then theres so much God has in store for the future....I really am so thankful to have everyday with our son.

You think its not possible, that you already love someone to the fullest capacity, but it really is grow to love your child more and more with each passing day. No matter the ups or downs I wouldn't trade Breyton for the world.